"The Summary" from Book IV of Book IV
In case anyone does not know what I am talking about:
hermetic.com/crowley/equinox-of-the-gods/a-summary.htmlI have recently been reading, quite often, "The Summary" from Book 4 of Book 4,
A poeticized version of the reception of the Book of the Law.
What surprised me:
That I had not recalled reading it before
That I do not recall anyone mentioning it.With all the talk about a comment, upon reading it... I thought to my self
"What commentary is more sublime than this?"
Perhaps, to someone unfamiliar with the Book the Law, it does not reveal much,
Yet after years of study, it spoke to me of all I have learned.While I am uncertain of what manner of discussion can arise, I wanted to mention it in the event others experience is similar to my own.
It's an excerpt from AHA, a much longer epic poem.