The Love of the Dove, or the love of the Serpent?
I finally nailed AL I, 57.
Dov (hebrew) = Bear.
Ursa = Bear.The former name of the current pole star Polaris used to be 'Ursae Minoris, in the constellation of Ursa Minor', and the name of the former pole star 'Thuban' means the Serpent, and is in the constellation of Draco- also a Serpent.
The name of the pole star Kochab simply means 'the Star'. (Must investigate original squiggle in M.S.)
The next pole star 'Alrai' is most probably the 'One to follow thee' in AL II,76.
This means we can calculate the Aeons by the Pole Stars! How cool is that?
Sorted. Satisfied. 93's.
@Alrah said
"Thank you - Sister Ursula?
I really like that name! I wouldn't think these names were given by a coincidence. I remember you saying your family was quite well read on occult subjects."
Oh darling only from your lips would Ursula sound sweet to me!
I hated it when he would call me that,
Sort of like when Kasper here tries to call me Vera, blech.... -
If we chart the Aeons via the polar stars... the Aeon of Horus has already been 'on' since 500 CE and had another 1096 years to go in 1904. If we speculate that the turn of the Aeons keep step with the sweep of the hand of this polar clock, then the year 2102 would be a very significant year in the Aeon of Horus, and we would have 987 years of the Aeon left.
The Aeon of Thaum-Aesch-Nia-eth last commenced in 12,000 BCE when Vega was the Pole Star.
The Aeon of xxxx(?) commenced in 4300 BCE when Theta Bootis was the Pole Star. It was closest to the pole in 4121 BCE.
The Aeon of Isis commenced in 3942 BCE when Thuban was the Pole Star. It was closest to the pole in 2787 BCE.
The Aeon of Osiris commenced in 1500 BCE when Kochab and Pherkad became the Pole Star twins. They were closest to the pole in 500 BCE.
The Aeon of Horus commenced in CE 500 when Polaris (Ursae Minoris) became the Pole Star. It is closest to the pole in 2102 CE.
The Aeon of Ma'at commences in CE 3000 when Alrai becomes the Pole Star. It is closest to the pole in 4400 CE.
The Aeon of Anubis commences in CE 5200 when Iota Cephei becomes the Pole Star. It is closest to the pole in 7600 CE.
The Aeon of Auramoouth commences in CE 10000 when Deneb becomes the Pole Star. It is closest to the pole in 12000 CE.
The Aeon of Thaum-Aesch-Nia-eth commences in CE 14000 CE when Vega becomes the Pole Star again.I'm missing a God or Goddess... what Aeon came before the Aeon of Isis, and after the Aeon of Thaum-Aesch-Nia-eth?
That's neat but impractical and seems totally out of context of the actual line, including the mention of "love" and the whole "choose ye well." To me, the Aeons can only be symbolic in the same way that "Generation X" is a description but doesn't accurately represent every single person in the generation (and there are people before and after that would resemble that generation)... But, hey, interpret as you Will.
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@IAO131 said
That's neat but impractical and seems totally out of context of the actual line, including the mention of "love" and the whole "choose ye well." To me, the Aeons can only be symbolic in the same way that "Generation X" is a description but doesn't accurately represent every single person in the generation (and there are people before and after that would resemble that generation)... But, hey, interpret as you Will.
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Although I like the linking of Liber al with the precession of the equinoxes (I was always wondering if Liber al had such a thing like many sacred texts some claim have) I agree with what your saying here. the 'choose ye well' makes the most enlightening sense when the option is to 'choose both the serpent and the dove'
@ldfriend56 said
"the 'choose ye well' makes the most enlightening sense when the option is to 'choose both the serpent and the dove'"
- Invoke me under my stars!
In ancient Egypt both Ursa Minor and Draco made up an asterism of stars associated with the Hippopotamus Goddess 'Taweret' (aka 'Tuat'). As the Goddess of Childbirth and fertility, she is stationed in the sky approximate to the crotch of the Goddess Nuit, where she plays 'catch the baby' in the place where the child is to be born.
According to legend, the Eye of Ra transformed herself into the Hippopotamus. Crowley associates the Hippo with the Goddess AHAThOOR.
"From Liber Samekh:
(.......a Solar-Phallic Hippopotamus** of a Venereal nature.)
[** Sacred to AHAThOOR. The idea is that of the Female conceived as invulnerable, reposeful, of enormous swallowing capacity etc.] "Hail unto thee who art Ahathoor in thy triumphing
Even unto thee who art Ahathoor in they beauty
Who travellest over the heavens in thy bark
At the midcourse of the Sun.Taweret - 'Great One' and 'mistress of the horizon' - is sometimes shown with seven stars lined down her back, which are most likely the seven stars of Ursa Minor. She is depicted with pendulous breasts heavy with milk to suckle the child with.
"...and the Lord Adonai is about it on all sides like a Thunderbolt, and a Pylon, and a Snake, and a Phallus, and in the midst thereof he is like the Woman that jetteth out the milk of the stars from her paps; yea, the milk of the stars from her paps. - LIBER CORDIS CINCTI SERPENTE"
The Goddess Tawaret is also associated with Death.
"Quite contrarily, she also took on the role of a funerary deity in this period, evidenced by the commonplace practice of placing hippopotami decorated with marsh flora in tombs and temples. Some scholars believe that this practice demonstrates that hippopotamus goddesses facilitated the process of rebirth after death, just as they aided in earthly births. These statues, then, assisted the deceased’s passing into the afterlife. - Wiki."