What is the difference??
With all the previous discussions on the abyss crossing versus the dark night of the soul....wht is the difference between the two in so how then are they different from each other?
That would be a long answer. As a starter, have you read Dark Night of the Soul by St. John of the Cross?
It can be understood possibly that the two events share some similiar qualities and therefore may be of some concern to those who are experiemcimg a dark night and aplh the events within those individual realities to make the assumption that it is that crossing over.
As far as reading the mentioned book, i have it somewhere and will forge my way through it... -
@Barrackubus said
"With all the previous discussions on the abyss crossing versus the dark night of the soul....wht is the difference between the two in so how then are they different from each other?"
My attempt at an (short, probably too short) answer would be:
Both are processes which close a gap in personal evolution.
The dark night of the soul closes the gap between the personal and the transpersonal self (or, also, difference between the social role still mostly thought of as "me" at that point and the HGA).
The abyss-crossing closes the gap between the transpersonal and the holistic self (or, also, difference between the consciousness of someone already closely entangled with their HGA and living that and the total potential wholeness of their being - the union of prepersonal (beastly), personal (human) and transpersonal selves).
The hell-ish aspects of both phenomena stem from the immense cognitive dissonances being worked through while going through the two stages.
Hope that helps and curious if others tend to agree/disagree with my statement.
I agree Simon.
To get through them and come back functioning still.......
One is all in the head.
The other in the heart -
Isnt the pericieved paradigm of duality also a factor during the crossing of the abyss? For it could it also be stated by some that this may also be one if not the most important lessons of such and the lack thereof is the perception of that previously comfort giving perception of that percieved idea of duality? Also in saying this I must ask if duality is not an actuality then it can be said that the true form of all lies within the workings of Chaos??