April 6-8, 2014: Six of Wands
Six of Wands
VICTORYMeditation Pattern: Place Atu X, Fortune, and Atu XI, Lust, side-by-side, with the 6 of Wands above them.
Traditional Description: Six wands, crossed three and three. Flames issue from the point of junction. Above and below are short wands with flames issuing, surmounted, respectively by the symbols Jupiter and Leo, representing the decanate.
Tiphereth of Fire: Energy in balanced manifestation. Harmony and beauty in matters of Will. Gain. Certainty and clarity of Will-in-action. Leadership.
Jupiter/Leo: Victory after strife; love; joy; gain; pleasure earned; abundant self-confidence; carefulness, sociability and avoiding of strife, yet victory therein. If ill-dignified: insolence, vanity, self-admiration, pride of riches and success, etc.
Sol + Jupiter: Joy, health, dignity, recognition. Heightened accomplishment, success. A refined morality, social conscience, and philosophical view; noblesse oblige; yet with all the inherent errors in this if it degenerates, including ostentation, negligence, elitism, pretentiousness, self-aggrandizement, etc.
Day one:
Shift in circumstances from dire to favorable, there is no luck, yet there is a particular grasp on the situation - a perspective that allows for seeing the interrelationship of all the components of a situation, winning spirit, confidence of a champion, fighter's instinct - losing oneself in a battle such that they ARE the battle (I'm seeing Brad Pitt as Achilles in the movie Troy) self-aggrandizement, excessive ego, Kanye West-like conceit, born winners, excellence, penchant for Mastery, unyielding determination, outstanding athletic ability, agility, Vince Lombardi-like greatness, olympic gold medalist level dedication, passion and commitment.Day two:
cocksure, cocky, gambler, entrepreneurial spirit, lover of the game, schemer, scheming to get over on someone, suckering somebody, hustler's mentality, prosperity consciousness, 80's drug dealer level flashiness, joy from gain.Day three:
Fire is always reaching upwards, always expanding, always seeking more air, this is it's most natural action and expression, this is what it looks like for fire to win, conversely, in it's pursuit of more air and more life it will burn anything in it's path - burning bridges, fucking people over to get ahead, playing dirty, lust for glory, poor sportsmanship, boasting and bragging, talking down to people, "I'm better than you/them" attitude -
- Nine flames, all pointed upwards – there is connection to Yesod: Success, in order to happen, must have its adequate foundation in the conditions of the automatic consciousness and instinctual body, etc. – balanced processes there make it possible for Success to take place.
- ATU X is experience, and ATU XI is giving all of that to the Transcendence; as if everything portrayed on ATU X is in the Cup that Babalon holds on ATU XI
- Colors of the card suggest: wealth, abundance, giving-sharing-emanating-radiating, noble heart… it’s human Will refined by Love, flaming as pure divine Fire; it shines Beauty, Peace, harmony.
- Taking risks, acting in accordance with the fact that actually there is no other certainty, but the one inside own heart, coming from surrender of own human will to the H.G.A.; success comes as a result of this kind of openness for all & every particular experience.
- The nine flames remind me of the Hebrew Festival of Lights (or Celebration of Dedication), Chanukkah; one flame (candle in the candelabrum) is placed in the middle and above the other eight, and this serves as an object for meditation.
- Success: harmonious concurrence of circumstances and will; it’s “secret” is: that which on the inside initiates the action leading to success is simply giving of oneself without expecting to “get” anything.
- Hitting the “bull’s eye”; natural results of following one’s own Bliss.