June 15-17, 2014: Six of Swords
(Previously called, “Earned Success.”)
Six of SwordsMeditation Pattern: Place Atu I, The Magus, and Atu XVII, The Star, side-by-side, with the 6 of Swords above them.
Traditional Description: Swords extending from each side, their points meeting in the center; two other swords converge onto the same center from above and beneath. The rose is reestablished thereupon. The symbols of Mercury and Aquarius are above and below, supported on the points of two short daggers or swords.
Tiphereth of Air: Perfect balance of mental and moral faculties. Beauty; perception of beauty, health, wholeness; self-esteem. Journey by water.
Mercury/Aquarius: Intelligence and humanity prevail. Inventive, creative, and progressive thinking. Success after anxiety and trouble. Dominance, painstaking care, mental works.
Sol + Mercury: Excellent mental capacity; commerce; practical, knowledgeable, attentive, analytical. But the ego can become overly identified with its own views and ideas; intellectual pride, conceit.
- Beauty, attunement, harmony of inter-relationships.
- Music; geometry.
- That which is eternally-true, universal, in human knowledge (in the whole corpus of knowledge of man).
- Love for human being and for humanity as species; authentic humanity that sees the noble essence of the species in every particular human being.
- Self-observation and self-definition of man.
- Every science is science of human being. (Know thyself)
- Complete accordance of ego-consciousness with Intuition (which is here shown in its double inflow, as relation to Binah as well as Chokmah).
- Curing and healing.
- The essence of applied Magick (moving consciously in accordance with own TW).
- “Place” where reason meets Intuition; ego developed harmoniously and healty, open for Neshamah, creative in its relation to Nephesh.
- All Ideals like Beauty, Justice, etc., which motivate and move human being , dwell here like Ideas that are alive, like specific living Beings.
- Open-minded exploring and investigating, learning through experience and play; tolerance for opposing opinions etc.
- Bet + Heh = House & Window! It’s where my-space (defined, fortified, my fort, house) opens for Nuit, that is, for our-space (a wider, cosmic perspective on one's personal existence).
- Inspired words and formulae (which automatically inspire others).
- Mind in service of True Will; refined, balanced, flexible, flowing.
- In Four-of-Swords: axioms, basis of methodology; in Five-of-Swords: experiment, learning through try and mistake; in Six-of-Swords: science, knowledge as a resultant and balance of Four and Five, but also as their (invisible?) basis.
- Building one’s House of Stars (in variety of possible senses).
Day one:
Clear and balanced thinking, "a bright" mind, mentally centered with a considerable degree of mastery over one's mind, clear communication, clear communicator, a comedian, a brilliant thinker and writer. if ill dignified, extremely deceptive and condescending. Capable of taking abstract concepts and presenting them logically and vice versa.Day two:
Intellectual mastery, meticulous & detail oriented, argumentative, cerebral disposition, "heady", wry & sarcastic, cunning and connivingDay three:
rigid & rigorous thinking and thinker, critical thinking, true scepticism, shrewd, nerdy, an excellent instructor, sleuthing, objectivity, seeing clearly into the heart of the matter, a tinkerer, philosophical disposition, "the idea guy/girl"