April 16-18, 2014: Nine of Wands
Nine of Wands
STRENGTHMeditation Pattern: Place Atu II, The Priestess, and Atu XIV, Art, side-by-side, with the 9 of Wands above them.
Traditional Description: Eight wands crossed four and four, as in the previous symbol; but with a ninth wand upright, which traverses the point of junction with the others. Flames leap from the juncture. Above and below are the symbols Luna and Sagittarius.
Yesod of Fire: Strength, power, vitality, health (regaining health). The fires of the vital soul are strong, ardent, and creative. Equilibrium within the psyche, dynamic (ongoing) resolution of internal conflict. Great success, but with strife. Victory, preceded by apprehension and fear.
Luna/Sagittarius: Mobility, adaptability, stability through ongoing change. Tremendous and
steady force that cannot be shaken. Herculean strength, yet sometimes applied with intelligence.
Generous, questioning, and curious; fond of external appearances; intractable, obstinate.Luna + Luna: (Reinforces all Lunar traits.)
- The Middle Pillar: going straight Up, like an arrow; the path of perfect balance; Direct Line (it’s how the light travels)
- 9 of Wands seen as a process:
- I recognize, accept and respect my animal
- I observe it with love; this very observation leads to awareness that although I am it, I am not only it
- That inside my awareness which can continually observe I recognize as reflection of the Divine
- I love it with inflamed passion and completely give myself up to It.
- Perfectly harmonious relationship with own animal nature, which transforms it – consciousness itself becomes transformed through it – making the ego a channel for the Transcendent/Divine.
- NB: each of the eight wands have on itself 9 Lunar crescents, except for the central wand, which is represented as connection between Luna and Sol.
- “And on what is the foundation founded?” – “The foundation of the foundation is a Star, in every one of us!”
- Instincts and basic drives perfectly dedicated, perfectly working in accordance with the flow of Will; hence, strength, and motion along the direct-line-Up; spontaneous Initiation.
- All change is based on that which we perceive as Stability in the Sun, and this is based on its inner change (the light of Luna comes from the Sun, in which is another kind of “Luna” hidden – Gimel, the secret Glory, light beyond the eye-sight).
- Strength of the Moon is in its relationship to the Sun, but the opposite is also true; their mutual relation is source of all inner strength in human being.
- Luna + Sagittarius: Artemis, Diana, and all related association.
- Mysticism, as opposed to Magick.
Day one:
adaptability, a social chameleon with an enchanting personality, inner discourse with the spiritual Sun of one's soul, prophetic inclinations, prone to premonitions...and disillusions, self-deception as a gift and a curse, pious spiritual inclinations, introversion, turning attention inward towards psychic activityDay two:
stick-to-itiveness, resilience, staying power, fidelity, endurance, maliability, being artsyDay three:
being graceful, flexible, internally balanced, inner peace and harmony, if ill-dignified being flaky, flippant, too "ethereal", too airy-fairy