Killing and karma
I read somewhere one who kills must bear the killed one's karma. Do you have an idea or hypothesis how this works/could work? Intuitively i'd say it depends a lot on the intent and level of he who kills. Say, if one kills to protect one's life as the only choice available, i see no reason for this. Same if he who kills is advanced enough so everything he does is karma free anyway. How do you tend to understand this?
@Takamba said
"I wouldn't believe everything you read."
I wouldnt believe because your brother is a champ in bodybuilding(you wrote, and i do believe you) you must always necessarly prove anything.
That kittie on your avatar must be very therapeutic though. Teddy bears are good too, i read.
Winnie the pooh even shares his name with an anabolic steroid called Winnie-V lol. Winnie for everyone !
Remember, Karma is just simple cause and effect.
When you destroy something, you become the end of that story.
If it's your own personal bottle of wine that you have killed, then you imbibe all that went into that wine. Your body will process it all, and you will likely be drunk, happy, and have all the other experiences that you have as a result of drinking that wine. You can't kill the wine without it having some effect on you.
At the same time, in the case of wine, the purpose of the wine's creation was to be consumed by you. So everyone agrees it's a fitting end, and their is no inherent balanced caused by you drinking the wine. You don't have to "pay" any karmic price for having created an imbalance. But suppose you were at a restaurant, and you drank the wine. The bill comes, and you have a debt to pay. Karma. Or you stole the bottle of wine from a store and drank it. The cops come, and you have a debt to pay. Karma. Or you were an alcoholic, and the bottle of wine sent you off the deep end. Karma. There are infinite scenarios.
Karma is whatever results from the action. What happens to you as a result of killing a person (it varies depending on so many factors). Whatever the results are--that's Karma.