May 7-9, 2014: Five of Cups
(Previously called “Loss in Pleasure.”)
Five of CupsMeditation Pattern: Place Atu XVI, The Tower, and Atu XIII, Death, side-by-side, with the 5 of Cups above them.
Traditional Description: Lotuses or water-lilies appear, of which the flowers are drooping right and left. Only the leaves, and no buds, surmount them the cups. These lotus stems ascend between the cups in the manner of a fountain, but no water flows therefrom; neither is there water in any of the cups. Above and below are the symbols Mars and Scorpio for the Decanate.
Geburah of Water: Severity in emotional matters (requiring emotional strength). Disappointment in love; marriage broken off; unkindness from a friend; loss of friendship; emotional disturbance; betrayal.
Mars/Scorpio: End or death of pleasure; disappointment; sorrow; loss or misfortune in those things from which pleasure is expected. Sadness, treachery, betrayal, deceit; ill-will, ruthlessness, detraction; willful destruction. Wasting or dissipation of energies; charity and kindness are ill-requited. All types of anxieties and troubles from unsuspected and unexpected sources.
Mars + Mars: (Reinforces all Mars traits.)
- Empty cups, all is dry, no water: disappointment.
- Pentagram pointed downward: Spirit immersed into the Elements…
- Destruction of an existing form, which frees the energy locked in it (energy that has been used to maintain that form): what to do with this energy now? – this may be the basic “problem” with the 5-of-Cups idea.
- NB: the whole construction on which the cups are situated stems from one single cup, at the bottom: this is its water! The plants wither… associations: the desert, Abyss.
- The challenge/test here: to find a New Source of water, to change the level from which the water is drawn. The destruction of existing forms is what opens the possibility for this! (otherwise, perpetual maintenance of old forms, no evolution…)
- A Fiery energy in the depths of the Water; when focused into one direction, it is extraordinary constructive; but this is not visible to the uninitiated eye, which sees only the destructive aspect of it.
- Time for withdrawal into oneself, collecting one’s forces, through disentanglement from circumstances/structures which define own motives for action; willingly destroying these inner unconscious attachments; entering into the wasteland so that a new Light may shine; a cold hand of a surgeon.
- Disturbance of balance is what leads to development (continual peace = death).
- The Cups, their Water, have evaporated in the heat of Geburah’s fire; but hasn't it, thus transformed, become Air and Earth? (the downward Pentagram, materialization)
- This is the necessary complement of Four-of-Cups; their perfect balance in Six-of-Cups. (Also, there is the polarity of Fours with Eights & Fives with Sevens, which too meet in the Tipheret “point” of dynamic balance)
- This is the Mother-aspect of Geburah: Kali, etc.
- To act without attachment to own deeds (without emotional identification with the Action).
- The Cups are empty: so they can be filled anew.
- Destruction of those structures which limit consciousness to the fulfillment of personal desires and Ego-impulses.
Day one:
Emotional disturbances, having the rug pulled from under you, a crisis, sudden & abrupt change in a situation that was once comfortable and settled, abrupt change of circumstances from favorable to unfavorable, disenchantment, anger, moodiness, resignation & cynicism, "catching a raw deal", agitation, being let down, catching a bum rap, a sudden impactful disruption, the emotional fallout of a sudden & rapid decline in workabilityDay two:
emotional turmoil, depression, being disempowered, an ill reaction to a sudden change, bitter-sweet sorrow, emotionally unsettled, apprehensive, anxious, paranoia, inidignance, suffering, emotional emptiness, confronting and uncomfortable truth, being screwed over, feeling blue, unfulfilled expectations, thwarted intentions, having the cards come tumbling down, being "stuck in your feelings, feeling "a certain kinda way", being "on it", feeling "type hot garbage"Day three:
upset stemming from a lack of capacity to deal with change, things not going as planned and the mess of the aftermath, being dashed, something hoped for or hoped to be will not be nor had, mourning, loss of hope (hope snatched away, hope snuffed out)