July 30-August 1, 2014: Nine of Disks
Nine of DisksMeditation Pattern: Place Atu III, The Empress, and Atu IX, The Hermit, side-by-side, with the 9 of Disks above them.
Traditional Description: The Disks are arranged thus:
There is arose branch, with nine white roses, each of which touches a Disk. Not only flowers, but also rosebuds, are on the branches. The symbols Venus and Virgo, above and below.Yesod of Earth: Inheritance, much increase of goods, harvest, fruitfulness, creation.
Venus/Virgo: Complete realization of material gain, goods, riches; good fortune in material affairs; treasuring of goods. If ill-dignified: covetousness, theft, knavery.
Venus + Luna: Pleasure, happiness, joy, devotion, care giving, desirous of children, affectionate, responsive to beauty, graceful
- Yesod of Earth = Foundation in Assiah; matter in harmonious flow; to do a job out of love and in accordance with own nature – this is the essence of Gain; yields, ripe fruits…
- Pleasure, well-being, prosperity; material richness is this harmony in deeds and wishes with TW.
- A seed sown with Love, which blooms and brings forth delicious Fruits: heart full with joy of life.
- Fertility, creativity; harmonious interaction with own surroundings; adequate approach to things, coming from Love (as “motive”) and the subconscious total focus on Work-as-Service.
- Taking care of and nurturing that which is young and still in its early development.
- Practical action in accordance with the wisdom that says that “the egg is older” (than the hen).
- “Sugar, spice & all things nice”; pleasure from body and all things sensual.
- When automatic consciousness is dedicated/consecrated, all the processes there and all physical experiences become experiences of pure Love- under-Will.
- This card is about the Fruits of Love; only that seed which is nurtured with Love will yield its best fruit.
- Achievement and completeness on material plane; openness & spontaneous harmony in giving and receiving; accordance of own values with those of the environment; absorbing from the environment only that which is most useful and healthy for own development; adaptability which does not impede identity but enriches it; productivity regarding quality rather than quantity; material/physical stability, arising out of harmonious changing with and adapting to the changes of “outer” circumstances; a precious stone/jewel, a diamond (literally and symbolically).
- What are your values, that is your treasure.