September 14-16, 2014: Princess of Swords
The Princess of Swords – Princess & Empress of the Sylphs & Sylphides
Throne of the Ace of Swords
EARTH of AIRMeditation pattern: Place side-by-side Atus XV, The Devil; XVII, The Star; and XVIII,
The Moon. Center the Princess of Swords above them. Optionally, place the Ace of Swords
above her.Traditional Description: An Amazon figure with waving hair, slighter than the Rose of the
Palace of Fire. Her attire is similar. The feet seem springy, giving the idea of swiftness. Weight
changing from one foot to another and body swinging around. She is a mixture of Minerva and
Diana; her mantle resembles the Ægis of Minerva. She wears, as a crest, the head of the Medusa
with serpent hair. She holds a sword in one hand, and the other rests upon a small silver altar
with gray smoke (no fire) ascending from it. Beneath her feet are white clouds.HEH-Final of VAV (EARTH of AIR). Heh-Final is the natural mate and complement of Vav. She is
Psyche to his Eros, Eurydice to his Orpheus. More than that, the relationship between the
Yetziratic (or astral) world and the physical body is complex. In occult science, much is known
regarding this relationship of psyche and soma, and we shall not be able to cover more than a
touch of it here. This, therefore, is a card of magick, witchery, and sorcery, among other things.Heh-Final of Air is Action taken in response to Idea: informed and strategic action, well-grounded
and with foresight. Heh-Final in Yetzirah is the subtle “astral” counterpart of our physical body. This
Princess is poised at a gateway, battling astral wraiths: she is the part of us that stands alert and
keen in the subtle domains behind physical manifestation, at home in the realm of telepathic and
empathic rapport, and the mechanism of the reciprocal influence between psyche and soma. She
also, therefore, represents those functions of consciousness most involved in psychic healing.She rules that quadrant of the heavens about the North Ecliptical Pole reaching from 0° Capricorn to
30° Pisces, centered on the Airy Kerubic constellation Aquarius, and is the Throne of the Ace of Swords.
Her primary relationship is to Aquarius and the letter Heh. Aquarius corresponds with that Power of the
Sphinx which is To Know, and to the trait of Liberty or freedom. Knowledge is readily at her
hand, and it is liberation for which she battles: liberation from the strictures of the physical sense,
as well as from delusive ideas and thought patterns. She is the irresistible current of science, both
exoteric and esoteric, the purpose of which is to liberate with unveiled truth. Heh links the egocenter
(Tiphereth) with the source of Wisdom (Chokmah), and her crest, Medusa’s head, identifies
her with Athena. Capricorn corresponds to Ayin, “eye”: It represents the delusions inherent in
the outer forms draping inner reality. The Princess stands on this threshold between a subtler
(thus truer) inner reality, and the outer forms that veil it. Hers is the consciousness that enables
us to peer through the veils by looking more deeply at things, behind the veil of event to psychological
patterns of causation. Pisces corresponds to Qoph, “back of the head,” and to those border
realms and subconscious domains where she is most easily at home. Qoph also signifies gelling of
inner patterns into cellular form. Thus, Capricorn/Ayin and Pisces/Qoph are reciprocal in her symbolism.In divination, the character is wise, strong, acute, vigilant, strategic, subtle in material
things; with grace, dexterity, and practical sense; battling for insight, knowledge, and wisdom.* If
ill-dignified*, she is frivolous and cunning. -
- Heh-Final/Assiah + Air/Yetzirah: word-and-though in Action, manifestation of Air.
- Writing a book or similar; words of power; rituals based on use of words; practical magick.
- Particular & crystallized forms of that which is Air.
- Teacher, lecturer; intellectual person; academic.
- Conversations, learning, engaged focused reading; internet; libraries (and their immediate yetziratic egregores); media, publishing.
- Formulae for Invocation; and every act of magick.
- She is dedicated to Truth, not Truth as a preconceived and fixed ideal but as living and dynamic authentic nature of a human being; she knows this Truth as necessarily Individual, although at the same time Universal, and she acts from this paradox.
- In her less developed edition, she is dogmatic and can be intrusive, without tolerance for different opinions and solutions for the situation at hand.
- Her characteristic key-feature is: alignment of ego-center (the “I” consciousness) with Logos-Will, through intellectual apprehension, acceptance and acting-in-accordance-with Change as basic principle of the Universe (ATU XVII as Path connecting 2 and 6). In this sense, she gives the best of herself when serving as a channel for manifestation, expression in the realm of Assiah, of that current which comes (to human kind and every individual human being) from the stars, Heaven, and mystically from the secret & sacred individual Star.
In current Aeon, she represents the agile propagator of the Law of Thelema.
- She is the LINK between magickal formulae and Words and their manifestation in the physical universe; she is the aspect of ourselves which is that power of manifestation of Yetziratic forms into Assiatic realm. - Homo Magicus; change in accordance with Will.
- ATUs XV and XVIII describe the process in more details:
Ain = awareness of all physical phenomena as illusory, transient (being non-attached to them, with lust nor fear); Quoh = subconsciousness through which, as a medium, influence of Sun/Star is channeled (automathic consciousness, its patterns and biological pattern-rhytms; Magus works in accordance with nature, by exactly using its laws). - XVII is here factor of separation between the sacred and the profane; profane do not understand the mystery of why/how magical Words and Acts work; dedicated mind of the initiated works with understanding and thus adequately gears & applies energies/forces of nature.
- Humanity; work for the enlightment of human kind; teaching; interest for education, school systems, etc.
- To act in own everyday life in accordance with the Truth of own being, as it (this Truth) is reflected in the enlightened mind; this is a process, what the Truth is changes, with experience, for the very mind in question, so its reflection & reflection evolves; this Princess teaches that to be open for these changes is the prerequisite of growth.
- A person who with his/her life shows and propagates NOSCE TE IPSVM motto; a person who is a knowledge-hub in his/her surroundings.