October 23 (Venus) Liber VII, Cap. VII, v. 1-5
**1. By the burning of the incense was the Word revealed, and by the distant drug.
2. O meal and honey and oil! O beautiful flag of the moon, that she hangs out in the center of bliss!
3. These loosen the swathings of the corpse; these unbind the feet of Osiris, so that the flaming God may rage through the firmament with his fantastic spear.
4. But of pure black marble is the sorry statue, and the changeless pain of the eyes is bitter to the blind.
5. We understand the rapture of that shaken marble, torn by the throes of the crowned child, the golden rod of the golden God.
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@Liber VII, Cap. VII said
"1. By the burning of the incense was the Word revealed, and by the distant drug."
This chapter begins with fire and heat whereby applied to incense reveals the Word which is also revealed by the distant drug. The idea of burning incense first brings to mind a sweet smell and the effect of this is to reveal the Word which isn’t necessarily a “word” per se, but a current of thought encapsulated in some type of form. Burning in general also brings to mind a sacrifice, consecration, and the general idea of the root words they are attached to – “sacred” – which could lead to the line of thought that in observing the sacred within us the “Word” is revealed. Also, the “distant drug”, intoxication of the innermost perhaps assists in recognizing the “Word” for ourselves.
@Liber VII, Cap. VII said
"2. O meal and honey and oil! O beautiful flag of the moon, that she hangs out in the center of bliss!
- These loosen the swathings of the corpse; these unbind the feet of Osiris, so that the flaming God may rage through the firmament with his fantastic spear.
- But of pure black marble is the sorry statue, and the changeless pain of the eyes is bitter to the blind.
- We understand the rapture of that shaken marble, torn by the throes of the crowned child, the golden rod of the golden God."
In this, sustenance and beauty is established in a state of bliss. This realization quickens the dead, Osiris Risen with phallus and all – this appears to representative of the past aeon of Osiris. In verses 4 and 5 the current state of affairs describes that state as black, pure black, encased in pain. The blind here are most likely the parts of our consciousness or people that haven’t stepped into the current Aeon so to speak. The crowned child Horus, succeeding Osiris, has shaken old forms loose and now wields the golden rod or as written here it appears the crowned child is the golden rod. The “golden” God has perhaps remained the same as the One Source is unchanging and now just wields a different outer form. Fun stuff.