The "Techni-Boson"
A competing non-Higgs theory states that the same boson is made up of two opposite-spinning "techni-quarks," which are the actual two most fundamental particles.
Two most fundamental particles with opposite spin... When you think about that in terms of the Ancient Wisdom, it relates rather easily two the two fundamental spiral energies.
They say it's just in the math.
Bare minimum, through whatever means one prefers, I think one has to marvel at the ability of the unconscious mind to present (anciently) to the tools of perception things which the five senses were not and still are not precise enough to register.
And while having a theoretical equation that lines up nicely with what I like to think doesn't make it real, it sure seems like this kind of thing keeps happening.
It would actually surprise me to discover that there is ultimately a fundamental "particle". I have a definite notion that ancient wisdom might be right on that front as well: that matter can be infinitely broken down into constituent energy vortexes with no ultimate "stuff" at all. Just movement.
It's turtles, all the way down.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
@Aion said
"When you think about that in terms of the Ancient Wisdom, it relates rather easily [to] the two fundamental spiral energies."
Strange how I've studied different religions, mythologies, Qabalah, etc. for years now, and I've never had "spiral energies" come up. I'm not being facetious at all: if either of you can point me to anywhere where I can look into this more deeply, I am extremely interested... I had a teacher in the past who always talked about a "spiral staircase", and spirals came up a lot in various places throughout his work and teachings, but I honestly haven't seen anything of the sort among more academically viable sources.
The only exception that comes to mind is, of course, the Primum Mobile...but I thought that was one, and not twain. I could be wrong, but I'm coming from the impression that there is very little written about Kether in this aspect, so I can't really confirm either way.
The Chaldean Oracles passage, often quoted by Crowley: "But God is He having the head of the Hawk. Both older and younger. A circulating and eternal God, infinite through His power and energizing a spiral force."
The Aurum Solis' Hermetic palindrome, which is a key to much of their work: En giro torte sol ciclos et rotor igne, “The Spritual Sun has turned the Ages in a Circle and is their Mover with Fire.”
In Crowley's writings, there are also (going from memory) references in The Book of Thoth to the coils of the ram's horns on The Emperor and of the goat's horns on The Devil.
Those are the ones just off the top of my head.
For that matter, the Thoth Atu XXI main figure is holding a symbol of coiled force.
For that matter, more broadly, think "coiled" as a synonym of "spiral," and most kundalini metaphors are suddenly in the mix.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Thank you both, this is very helpful. Those details had escaped me. It is certainly not much of a stretch at all to include circular/coiling motions, and the majority of the examples provided are rather explicit anyway.
Thank you both again. This I can't quite articulate how much this means to me...
Found a good photo.