April 6 (HEH, The Star, Aquarius) Liber ARARITA, Cap. 6
Tarot Meditation - The Star
Her hair moving in the wind, forming waves that drift through the night sky. Her body is made of stardust. She is the Mother of the Stars. She blows dust from her hand and she scatters myriads of little lamps over the horizon. They pave the way for the people of the earth, while telling stories about the Mysteries, from times far away. These shining jewels form myriad of spirals. Their beautiful geometric structures telling a story of a Universe pervaded with intelligence and grand design, with sacred geometry and inherent beauty.
Each star has a resonance of its own, and together they form a choir – singing a song of unimaginable beauty. The Star Goddess - the Mother of the Stars - conducts their song and composes the sweet melody of the starry abode.
The stars are weaved into dreams that come to life at nighttime when the conscious mind is fast asleep. They tell tales of divine origin to remind us of our purpose and of our course, of things deeply held and kept in the hearts and minds of men and women of the earth. They form a path back home into ourselves, thus they direct the course not only externally but internally, too. Mother of the Stars is also the mistress of our dreams. She creates concoction of visions and we get submerged in this ocean of imagery soaking up the symbols that tell stories of our human ancestry. And if we learn how to swim we enter the gateway that leads to our subconscious. We hold the golden key to the treasure chest of lucidity and awareness so that we may stand at the helm of our dream boat and sail courageously into unknown, ready to conquer the lost islands in this vast sea of consciousness. -
Recommended practice for today: Liber Nu
The joining of Nuit and Hadit into one bring forth manifestation in their child here called the father. All things are brought into existence and are established per the mind and imagination of the Father from the farthest reaches of the universe to the elements that make up what we more readily identify with in the "...mire of things". This is the magician established as King of the Kingdom. However, the source of the great work's accomplishment, from Kether and beyond, has the reverence of the king who is just one part of the larger Unity that is Existence.
Reading some of Liber Nu and the practices there meshed with some ways to think of these verses. Identification of a polar position and then its opposite with some imagination colored it in a bit more for me and sheds some light on how to view situations in my life, the ways I react to things, and food for thought in embracing all situations whether they are things I like or not.