Child as War God
Hey all, another attempt to start a discussion about some things I've been thinking about (as I love all the different ideas and interactions in here once a discussion takes off) I am thinking about RHK, Horus as the Child and a God of War and Vengeance. Obviously the Hoor-Pa-Kraat aspect of Heru-Ra-Ha is straightforward, but what about RHK, Horus the elder. I assume of course that he is the elder child. But how do the ideas corresponding to childhood mix with the ideas of War and Vengeance, would not the Child warrior be inexperienced, ineffectual, playfully. I don't picture RHK as a half assed warrior. I experience Mars as a young man and could certainly see how a God of War and Vengeance could be a young even adolescent man. But HPK _ HPK _ RHK is a Child.
Or is he, perhaps he is only A Child in the sense of being THE Child of the infinitys (H and N). And from this point:
It is HRH who is the child of N and H, of which RHK is one side of the coin
And what do people think of HRH, RHK Hours etc as being the Child of:
Babylon & Chaos
Beast & SW
Osiris & Isis (Nephthys?)Is the CHILD the CHILD of all MOTHERS & FATHERS And as the different parents represent different facets of this dynamic, so too does there progeny represent different facets of the CHILD.
I must stop, this is becoming a ramble (I apologise, I have just completed a 3000 word paper on competencies in the practice of psychology, it's 1am here in Australia and I am pretty worded out).
Anyway......the main point is RHK as Child and God of War and Vengeance. As I say, I enjoy all the different POV, even the nuts and the self professed Magisters Templi, Magus' and Impissimi, so please feel free to jump in.
"Joviality is a game of children"
- Bubba Zanetti talking to The Toecutter 'Mad Max'
@Coagvla said
"But how do the ideas corresponding to childhood mix with the ideas of War and Vengeance, would not the Child warrior be inexperienced, ineffectual, playfully."
Oh, my, have you ever been around children? Infants and toddlers? You do know, right, where "the Terrible Twos" get their name? And that children being toilet trained give a whole new meaning to the term "house broken"?
But, in another sense, the real warrior aspect - the raging aspect - is from the child grown up. (Not "the older child" as in a sibling, but "the child when older.") Harpocrates has especially the invincibility aspect, can't be harmed. It is the scope of innocence that grants this. Of the two Neophyte signs, one is a sign of attack and the other one of defense.
Hahaha I have had experience with the Terrible Two's, and your spot on. When my 3yo nephew is ragin its a thing to behold all Force and Fire.
I understand the invincibility of Harpocrates. But are we saying here that RHK is the fully grown child of H and N? I don't wanna get Mars and RHK to mixed up, but I understand Mars as strong, purposeful and and having a clear direction for anger/violence/rage. I think of RHK as this kind of warrior God. Against this I can see the undirected, unfocused, undisciplined rage of the Child.
Or, is this the point. The purity perhaps of unrestricted rage, the Child unable to articulate, to express himself, give over to primal rage
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The symbols, young silent child, hawk-headed conqueror, function to stimulate a state of consciousness through mental association of emotional state with imagery.
I think it's a mistake, however, to focus on the difference of age in symbolism. The the hawk is within the raging two year old, just as the babe is within elder.
I take "Child" as strictly a relational descriptor, not a reference to age.
Just my two.
Horus follows Osiris and precedes Maat in its office. Early(still current one, aeon-wise)Horus may share some caracteristics of Osiris and old aeon. The middle one may be the most "pure". While the older may be more Maat and next aeon oriented.
What War means should be very different through the aeon. Currently there is still somekind of old aeon flavor. It can take time to fully transform.
Old fashion war is childish. But slowly it becomes an art. And then peace.
Higher War as i understand it, is Geburah. As you get by direct contemplation of it.
Its source is love. It is a direct extension from Chesed.
Things are as they are
Horus is the child of one's magickal persona( Hadit) and that of Nuit. It is thus an image of the HGA. In this aeon it happens to be Horus on a global level. .
I understand magickal persona(or Hadit, the worshiper) as the true will. HGA is its source and unmanifested nature. Its essence is Nuit. We can say too, thus, that Horus is the child of Nuit, directly.
Referring to my earlier post:
Steve Martin Facebooked this today. I love it.
And it made me think. "Who are they here?"