June 11 (Water) Liber LXV, Cap. III, v. 1-2
**1. Verily and Amen! I passed through the deep sea, and by the rivers of running water that abound therein, and I came unto the Land of No Desire.
2. Wherein was a white unicorn with a silver collar, whereon was graven the aphorism Linea viridis gyrat universa.
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" the Land of No Desire" - Love without striving, Love as simple and total surrender.
"a white unicorn with a silver collar, whereon was graven the aphorism Linea viridis gyrat universa" - associates to Path of Gimel, with words on the collar representing intersection with Daleth.
Don't miss, though, the important traditional linkage of the unicorn to Hod, to which this chapter corresponds.
I've never been satisfied with anything I've found for the Latin phrase enumerated as 281. Everything I see is contradicted by the larger set of jumbled ideas associated with the number. But its notariqon, L.V.G.V., is 55, and in the Latin Qabbalah Simplex this is quite fascinating.
As I think of the unicorn, I'm periodically tempted to regard it as female. The feeling often is that. But there are no female unicorns, only male ones, by legend. And they have no genitals, the entire force of them having been transmuted into that single penetrating horn. That fits the present passage quite well, corresponds to what is found in LQX under 55 quite well, and probably explains some of the reasons this symbol is attributed to Hod. (T.'.O.'.T.'. initiates of at least 3° who caught our last annual seminar presentation on alchemy can perhaps understand a very great deal more that I can't say here in a short space.)