August 11 (Spirit) Liber LXV, Cap. V, v. 1-2
**1. Ah! my Lord Adonai, that dalliest with the Magister in the Treasure-House of Pearls, let me listen to the echo of your kisses.
2. Is not the starry heaven shaken as a leaf at the tremulous rapture of your love? Am not I the flying spark of light whirled away by the great wind of your perfection?
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It is interesting to begin this keeping in mind what Spirit is within my limited conception. It is all kinds of things and nothing I would say would exactly explain it which makes this chapter itself interesting. In verse 1 the Treasure-House of Pearls appears to reference to the Supernals where the figures representing higher states of consciousness Neshamah and Chiah (Magister and Adonai if I have the pattern figured at this point) playfully and lovingly interact. The Adept below the abyss can only but hear an echo of their kisses. The Adept abiding in his own plane of existence can only perceive the reflection of their interaction.
The very universe is like a trembling leaf in the face of their love. A powerful image denoting a large and expansive reality that shatters the mind's ability to contain it. And we are part of that reality, we are an expression of the their love, a product of union, a representation of perfection.