September 17 (Mars) Liber VII, Cap. I, v. 49-55
**49. I Am She that should come, the Virgin of all men.
50. I am a boy before Thee, O Thou satyr God.
51. Thou wilt inflict the punishment of pleasure — Now! Now! Now!
52. Io Pan! Io Pan! I love Thee. I love Thee.
53. O my God, spare me!
54. Now! It is done! Death.
55. I cried aloud the word — and it was a mighty spell to bind the Invisible, an enchantment to unbind the bound; yea, to unbind the bound.
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Earlier today this had a different twist on it. Reading this again it all strikes me as more “Binah-like” than I’ve seen before. Mostly this is based on the idea I’m reading into it about the form receiving force and well, quite forcefully. The interplay, the union, death to a thing so that another is born. The invisible takes form in Binah and is bound. This then is unbound into manifestation to the rest of the Tree. All this with the passion and spotlight of Mars lighting the scene and climaxing in death/birth.