August 17 (Spirit) Liber LXV, Cap. V, v. 12-13
The overall feel of these last few verses strike me as very Nuit. Spirit is all encompassing and balancing so I can see some of the correlation there. I suppose verse 12 isn't saying to have "pity", but to be "pitiful" toward "them". "Them" here are "those that despise thee" and that "adore thee". All parts of our being our from the flame ignited by the source of all life and they will return by the operation of love under will. They will be healed of their "evil" which I take as a poetic description of imbalance and a stray away from dedicating this energy towards the accomplishment of True Will. The imbalanced and impure parts of ourselves are destroyed and reconstituted aright to join the infinite fire that burns within.
Thinking about the second half of the operation I do also get a mild dose of chapter 3 of the BoTL. Love and Destruction are very similar and as a unity is established so is a sense of separateness destroyed. The agony could be dependent on the point of view.