August 19 (Spirit) Liber LXV, Cap. V, v. 16-18
**16. For the Magistry of this Opus is a secret magistry; and the sign of the master thereof is a certain ring of lapis-lazuli with the name of my master, who am I, and the Eye in the Midst thereof.
17. Also He spake and said: This is a secret sign, and thou shall not disclose it unto the profane, nor unto the neophyte, nor unto the zelator, nor unto the practicus, nor unto the philosophus, nor unto the lesser adept, nor unto the greater adept.
18. But unto the exempt adept thou shalt disclose thyself if thou have need of him for the lesser operations of thine art.
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We can attain to a bit of balance and a bit of harmony, but its mastery is a different story! The sign of the master is encapsulated in a symbol that is known to those that attain. It isn't to be communicated to anyone except the person right on the threshold of making the jump to mastery as well. Furthermore, this is only "...if thou have need of him for the lesser operations of thine art."
The Neshamah always exists as the entire Tree of Life exists at once within us in all 4 worlds. Briatic consciousness exists within us even if we don't find our regular consciousness there. The master abides in silence (words don't find proper expression in the Briatic world) and even symbols probably stretch things a bit. Maybe these verses point to a phenomenon that the glimpse of this consciousness depends on our proper constitution, in the proper place in our own development, along with the fate that there is a momentum and "need" for the linkage to occur.
I read into this that there are protective layers in our consciousness that can be broken through, but broken through from above rather than below. A receptive and openness is required along with a bit of destiny to establish the chain reaction.