August 22 (Spirit) Liber LXV, Cap. V, v. 24-25
**24. Also thou art beyond the stabilities of Being and of Consciousness and of Bliss; for I am thou, and the Pillar is 'stablished in the void.
25. Also thou shalt discourse of these things unto the man that writeth them, and he shall partake of them as a sacrament; for I who am thou am he, and the Pillar is 'stablished in the void.
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Stability is a starting point. On a personal level this idea, though known on some level, takes on a different effect for me at this time. In the Work, most times, I focus on firefighting - break/fix - notice a problem, observe, and possibly change. This is to be outgrown and to a degree rolled into automatic resolution of an issue - like walking a breathing so that the energy is freed up to expand. That was an interesting tidbit from meditating on the verses.
Thinking about the pillar in the void at this point and allowing for elastic attributions to its meaning I can compare it to something like the axel of a wheel. The most inner parts of our consciousness, the silent self who we adore with our silence, never changes and is not moved out of position by the turning of the wheel. In this regard it is also interesting to remark that one symbol of Spirit is a circle with a point in the middle from which 8 spokes extend.
Being, Consciousness, and Bliss are truly experienced from this center point and that is a world to be outgrown, a new starting point of sorts. The Union here with the angel and adept is in the world of Briah I believe and the instruction (I think) coming from the Neshamah (Supernals) to Yetzirah down to the level of the "man" actually forging the work in world of action, Assiah.