February 4 (Heru-Ra-Ha) Liber L., Cap. III, v. 61-62
@Heru-Ra-Ha said
"**61. There is an end of the word of the God enthroned in Ra's seat, lightening the girders of the soul.
- To Me do ye reverence! to me come ye through tribulation of ordeal, which is bliss.**"
Change of even a God's word was in the making, the turning over of a new aeon, which loosened up what existed for what would be. Even within our own constitution change and revolution occur in the evolution of our soul. That which has weighted us down and served its purpose is released even if it seemed like all that ever was. What takes its place is what guides us further into our life and trials which truthfully is bliss. Existence is pure joy. Understanding that the energy of this revolution, this uprooting that the chapter continually points out, and the constant living in change within the moment helps us navigate any maze we encounter. It is a challenge we've set before ourselves for the sake of its completion. We are the player in the game and the designer of it. This equilibration may lead to bliss.