The experience of Cosmic Consciousnes
Just wondering what experiencing cosmic consciousness entails. Is there a stage of mystical development where your individual consciousness merges with the collective? Or it completely different?
I recommend reading Bucke's book, Cosmic Consciousness. It's the classic, and widely available - recommended enthusiastically. (It more or less takes a book to answer the question, given the range of personal variation of the symptoms.)
Thanks a lot Jim. Much appreciated.
I recommend this lecture by Deepak Chopra on this matter. I think he leans heavily on the 7 states of consciousness including divine consciousness and Christ consciousness. It's not an hour long ,the guy who uploaded it, filmed it on repeat lol.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
It would be foolish and presumptuous of me to say that striving to understand such matters is frivolity. Contemplating these ideas helps dispel grosser, more personalized conceptualizations and as such can possibly have enormous benefit. However, as an aspiring Jnani I would explain this topic in a practical manner as such:
Everything you know is false. Anything you can conceivably think of is untrue. All things that you perceive with the senses are unreal. There is nothing but the Self. So go and sit down, focus only on the Self, the Witness, the Silence, and shut up. All your words, all your thoughts, shut them up. No one is thinking them. The Ego says it is, but the Ego isn't real. Thoughts are just being thought. Just focus on the Self. And shut up.
This post, I feel, is definitely relevant to the OP/topic, even if it isn't necessarily so in a linear fashion. Also, "shutting up" is the method, not an insult or order.
Love is the law, love under will.
@seekinghga said
"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
It would be foolish and presumptuous of me to say that striving to understand such matters is frivolity. Contemplating these ideas helps dispel grosser, more personalized conceptualizations and as such can possibly have enormous benefit. However, as an aspiring Jnani I would explain this topic in a practical manner as such:
Everything you know is false. Anything you can conceivably think of is untrue. All things that you perceive with the senses are unreal. There is nothing but the Self. So go and sit down, focus only on the Self, the Witness, the Silence, and shut up. All your words, all your thoughts, shut them up. No one is thinking them. The Ego says it is, but the Ego isn't real. Thoughts are just being thought. Just focus on the Self. And shut up.
This post, I feel, is definitely relevant to the OP/topic, even if it isn't necessarily so in a linear fashion. Also, "shutting up" is the method, not an insult or order.
Love is the law, love under will."
I think before you lay that on him he needs to know that he planet moves about a star and there was a time when there were no creatures on this planet. In fact this planet never existed. What happened? A super massive star exploded. This is beyond human comprehension. The remnants of this explosion were massive pieces of rock in orbit about the said star. Nowadays the rocks (planets) have stabilized but early on they were smashing each other. It is said that what was Jupiter being in an orbit further from the star/sun was freezing and generating massive glaciers, it hit the early "earth" and smashed it's glaciers into the "earth"'s surface bringing water. Maybe it hit" Mars" also doing the same. Anyway orbit of earth and it's tilt producing four "seasons" but not for the star/sun it knows no seasons or no night and day. Once the water was here then I understand that photosynthetic organisms began to appear. The production of carbon based unicellular organisms came later.
Yeah, we are the third rock from a star and beyond this* system* there are other stars fixed. Beyond them still other stars all in one massive cluster we know as "galaxy". Theer are other "galaxies" further.
IN summation, start with Resh, maybe move on to the equinox observances and in time go for
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
@gerry456 said
"I think before you lay that on him he needs to know that he planet moves about a star and there was a time when there were no creatures on this planet."
Why?The Ego is like a dam in the stream of existence. Crowley taught to match every thought with its opposite, as this has the effect of severing attachment to all of the thoughts appearing and dissipating within the mind. This is because by one's perceiving simultaneously the two sides of any contradiction and taking that pair of sides to be unanimously true, it negates the development of belief. (e.g. One says, "I believe A is x^2, yet I do not believe A is x^2. Existence is pure joy.," thus making variance in concept irrelevant.) That weakens the illusory "dam"--the Ego which formulates the idea of a limiting mind; there allowing flow instead of Stagnation (AL I:22 and 41), whereby one can then begin to understand intuitively why and how Hadit and Nuit All Around Us passionately blow kisses at one another. It's a start towards Cosmic Consciousness.
"Thou wast long seeking Me; thou didst run forward so fast that I was unable to come up with thee.
O thou darling fool! what bitterness thou didst crown thy days withal."- LXV I:25
Love is the law, love under will.
@seekinghga said
................... Crowley taught.."Crowley taught a lot of things including
I agree totally with what you're saying and did you open this link which I provided? It's **LIBER BATRACOFRENOBOOKOSMOMACIA sub figurâ DXXXVI **which is essentially what I described in my post about the Earth and it's place.
I must ask, how do you do your LRBP? When doing the Cabbalistic Cross do you extend your consciousnsess out of Earth into the Sun and the planets and further still? Have you seen the Powers of Ten film? As a Thelemite you are commanded to expand thyself into the Body of Nuit, Queen of Infinite Space. That's a long journey. As I said earlier even grasping the fact that this planet and the others are mere shrapnel from an exploding star is beyond human comprehension.
What you're describing is the method of mystical instrospection which is fine and that should also simultaneously lead to pure perception of facts suppressed by the dammed ego which you talk of. The big fact it hides is this, you are on one of a cluster of relatively big rocks being dragged around a star amongst stars. Even Buddha when confronted by Mara stretched his palm out to show him that the Earth was beneath his body. Ultimately what you're saying complements what I'm saying. From the Sun/star there is no night no day no changing seasons. This is "of the earth and not of me" Cp 1: 21
and.................Chapter 1 ;
Now, therefore, I am known to ye by my name Nuit, and to him by a secret name which I will give him when at last he knoweth me. Since I am Infinite Space, and the Infinite Stars thereof, do ye also thus. Bind nothing! Let there be no difference made among you between any one thing & any other thing; for thereby there cometh hurt.
But whoso availeth in this, let him be the chief of all!
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
@gerry456 said
As a Thelemite you are commanded to expand thyself into the Body of Nuit, Queen of Infinite Space.""There is no law beyond Do what thou wilt." I guess that amounts to the same Thing.
It's nice that the Book says it so plainly.
"That's a long journey."
In Yoga the aim is closer rather than difference. That is the Method that my response comes from, anyways.
"Farther and farther we float; yet we are still. It is the chain of systems that is falling away from us. First falls the silly world; the world of the old grey land. Falls it unthinkably far, with its sorrowful bearded face presiding over it; it fades to silence and woe. We to silence and bliss, and the face is the laughing face of Eros."
- VII V:36-39
["the world of the old grey land" pertains to a state of awareness?]
"As I said earlier even grasping the fact that this planet and the others are mere shrapnel from an exploding star is beyond human comprehension.[...]The big fact it hides is this, you are on one of a cluster of relatively big rocks being dragged around a star amongst stars."
Then how do you know? I'm just curious. Like my words, especially my words, it all operates through concepts emanating from that "crown of the intellect," which can only extend to the mark of its own limitation. That's pretty funny.
Love is the law, love under will.