Serpent and lightning bolt
@gerry456 said
"The serpent's bite and the lightning bolt in Liber MMM, how do we induce it? Of course the answer is by imagination but when I've done this in the past there's been a fake it till you make it kind of set up."
The explanation in the fewest words is: Systematically, step by step, work the structured path of initiation.
You do not call the Serpent by playing His songs on the flute. His venom is potent. The Serpent bites you when you are pleasing to His appetite. Then the lightning will strike. Exactly like Jim said in another way.
@gerry456 said
"What can I say? It ain't for me."
It's not just a "thing" to do - it's a symbol of the entire course of initiation. The Serpent of Wisdom ascends the Tree path by path and (for example) shows the winding nature of the Path with many turns. The Lightning Flash strikes home in a singular instance of manifestation - the instantaneous expression of the whole. (Unlike the Serpent, this isn't sequential - it is instantaneous, occurring outside the linearity of time.) The interlocking of these two, their mutual entwining and embrace, is a symbol of the approach to, and attainment of, the Knowledge & Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel - the 22 (Paths) x 10 (S'fiyroth) = 220, a number that is, itself, an arcanum of the process and the result.