Anybody down for this in 2017???
Whadayathink of going with the forum Tefilah this year?"THE HIGH HOLY DAYS (March 20-April 10).
For the 22 days of the Holy Season ech year (March 20-April 10), a correspondence is noted to the 22 Hebrew letters and their associated Tarot Trumps. These are the basis of such personal meditations as one may wish to undertake. The readings for each day are selected primarily (but not exclusively) from the Thelemic Canon (A.'.A.'. Class A Documents), so as to correspond to the symbolism of the Letter and Trump.THE ELEMENTS (Liber LXV) (April 11-September 10)
One chapter per month for five months. One day (the 10th of each month) intervenes between the prior section and this section, and between each chapter.THE PLANETS (Liber VII) (September 11-October 29)
One chapter per week for seven weeks. (NOTE: This cycle has a relationship to the 49-petaled rose.)INTERREGNUM (11 days) (October 30-November 9)
A pause, corresponding to the Abyss.THE SUPERNALS or TRINITY (Liber CCXX) (November 11-February 10)
One chapter per month for three months. One day (the 10th of each month) intervenes between the prior section and this section, and between each chapter.February 11 through March 19 constitutes 37 days (or 38 in a leap year; the next one of which will be 2004, the Centennial of Liber Legis). These days may be used as a time of silence and asceticism following the annual cycle, as the earth lies dormant and the Dark Cycle’s energies build and accumulate for their rushing-forth in spring; or they may be equated to the 37 letters of the phrase Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. (If the latter approach is used, in a leap year, the final day, March 19, should be the day to which nothing is assigned.) The eve before the Vernal Equinox is dedicated to a reading of “The Prologue of the Unborn.”"
I'm in like Flynn
I'd love for this to run this year.
I'm in!
Ok awesome. I'm going to PM you guys to see how we can work out doing another run this year. I committed to the Thelemic Tephilah and need to work out how to do both. Check your inboxes in 24 hours
Add me too. Thanks.
I could use another run at it.
I'm down.
Loving the responses everyone.
Who else?