Interesting word 'folk'. It seems to have implications about tradition and community, the general populace or common man. Ignorami perhaps. It is a specific part of American culture where the southern bigot is defined as "redneck". This is where "folk" music developed in the inherited Scots-Irish whiskey culture of confederate apartheid. Bill Hicks took a novel into a restaurant in one of the southern states and one of the clientele said, "Well, looks like we got ourselves a reader". Folk music would go on to be synonymous with "leftist" causes in it's beatnik era revival.
In* 1:17 and 18 *of AL, Hadit uses the words "folk" and "kinsfolk", the latter term is like something that Jethro from *The Beverley Hillbillies *would've used. Y'know this TV show where southern working class were lampooned and derided as unsophisticated, uneducated and simple minded. However, Hadit does not shut such folk out, He is waiting for them; "*the folk that not know me as yet". *