04/21/17 - (Earth) Liber LXV, Cap. I, v. 25-27
Liber LXV, Cap. I, v. 25-27
- Thou wast long seeking Me; thou didst run forward so fast that I was unable to come up with thee.
O thou darling fool! what bitterness thou didst crown thy days withal. - Now I am with thee; I will never leave thy being.
- For I am the soft sinuous one entwined about thee, heart of gold!
- Thou wast long seeking Me; thou didst run forward so fast that I was unable to come up with thee.
I find these verses profoundly touching, no matter how many times - in different life phases - I read them.
The Adept, inflamed with the unquenchable passion of the soul, has been vehemently seeking the Angel, only to experience, at the appointed time, that the Angel has been with her all along.
The heart of gold and the sinuous one entwining it - an image of Eternity.