07/21/17 - (Fire) Liber LXV, Cap. IV, v. 23-24
Liber LXV, Cap. IV, v. 23-24
23. I who was the priestess of Ahathoor rejoice in your love. Arise, O Nile-God, and devour the holy place of the Cow of Heaven! Let the milk of the stars be drunk up by Sebek the dweller of Nile!
24. Arise, O serpent Apep, Thou art Adonai the beloved one! Thou art my darling and my lord, and Thy poison is sweeter than the kisses of Isis the mother of the Gods! -
The priestess of Ahathoor - the fullness of Netzach development; Sebek, then Apep - symbols of the function of Sol as that which devours & destroys (it's seen as such from Netzach via the Path of Noon).
Apep - KundaliniI was drawn to randomly read through Liber Astarte after meditating on the verses, and attention was brought to this paragraph:
" 30. *Concerning the Enflaming of the Heart. *
Now learn that thy methods are dry, one and all. Intellectual exercises, moral exercises, they are not Love. Yet as a man, rubbing two dry sticks together for long, suddenly found a spark, so also from time to time will true love leap unasked into thy mediation. Yet this shall die and be reborn again and again. It may be that thou hast no tinder near.
In the end shall come suddenly a great flame and a devouring, and burn thee utterly.
Now of these sparks, and of these splutterings of flame, and of these beginnings of the Infinite Fire, thou shalt thus be aware. For the sparks thy heart shall leap up, and thy ceremony or meditation or toil shall seem of a sudden to go of its own will; and for the little flames this shall be increased in volume and intensity; and for the beginnings of the Infinite Fire thy ceremony shall be caught up unto ravishing song, and thy meditation shall be ecstasy, and thy toil shall be a delight exceeding all pleasure thou hast ever known.
And of the Great Flame that answereth thee it may not be spoken; for therein is the End of this Magick Art of Devotion. "