08/06/17 - (Fire) Liber LXV, Cap. IV, v. 59-60
Liber LXV, Cap. IV, v. 59-60
59. Thou dost faint, thou dost fail, thou scribe; cried the desolate Voice; but I have filled thee with a wine whose savour thou knowest not.
60. It shall avail to make drunken the people of the old gray sphere that rolls in the infinite Far-off; they shall lap the wine as dogs that lap the blood of a beautiful courtesan pierced through by the Spear of a swift rider through the city. -
The human aspects - personality & intellect - keep their human characteristics; for them, there is still the experience of pain and joy etc; but it's not the same as it was before this Initiation: there is a factor Infinite and Unknown.
This "wine" is what the mankind needs right now, for what people are thirsty more than anything else - Tifereth Initiation, the Next Step.