08/08/17 - (Fire) Liber LXV, Cap. IV, v. 62-63
Liber LXV, Cap. IV, v. 62-63
62. At thy right hand a great lord and a comely; at thy left hand a woman clad in gossamer and gold and having the stars in her hair. Ye shall journey far into a land of pestilence and evil; ye shall encamp in the river of a foolish city forgotten; there shall ye meet with Me.
63. There will I make Mine habitation; as for bridal will I come bedecked and anointed; there shall the Consummation be accomplished. -
Maybe referring to Paths Zayin and He (the Hierophant figure in ATU VI)? Or simply both male & female principle, in their most dignified form, and how they appear in Mal'kooth; they are, respectively, on the right and left side of the Adept - as companions, aids?
The land of pestilence & evil: 6=5 work. It ultimately leads to the Supernals; from these perspective, Angel = Hak'mah, Adept = Biynah, consummation = Daleth.The overall message of these verses seems to be: there's Work to so & steps to "climb" - Initiation continues; "the end thereof" is the all-consuming union of Will & Love.