11/15/17 - (Nuit) Liber L., Cap. I, v. 10-11
I have never participated in any form of spirituality that encouraged few followers and secrecy. It has always been convert! Convert! Convert the others!
I wonder why this is true of Nuit's followers?
Fools... It's such a negative word, but in the tarot it speaks of purity. Interesting. The intent, however, seems to be that they are not to be trusted.. or only trusted as a fool.
As above, so below. As within, so without.
If the Macrocosm says to have secret servants who are few and they "rule" (guide, stand as the measure, oversee) the many and known, then the microcosm is to have secret servants who are few. I have yet in this chapter seen a dictum designed to encourage the creation of a "religion," instead, I have seen the design of mine own mind. Mine own mind! Let it have methods and models that are few and secret (thoughts) so that I may rule my many and known thoughts!
The egotistical twads that men adore are fools! (lower case "f" and not upper case Fools).
Oh those pasty converts who go a-converting! What little they know.
"10. Let my servants be few & secret: they shall rule the many & the known."
few & secret: Yod
the many & the known: Mal'kooth
"11. These are fools that men adore; both their Gods & their men are fools."
(My subconsciousness immediately perceives this verse in the context of the next one!)
The forms of that which human beings adore are ever-shifting; even the deepest, oldest collective archetypes are nothing but Air ("hot air"!).