"Come" with "me"
Nuit says "Come Unto me" I guess (don't want to search the right Liber to make a zitat, so...
Liber Legis (e) AL
So Asisa wants to say: "Come" with "me"...
Now we have to understand Asisa...
On the One side, she is a Product (good) (shhhht, Maleficent) of me, the scribe... So she makes faultes without faultes the hole time... (
But on the other, she is an Entity of Aleister, which is perfect, so....
it couled be, that she has Psychological Problems und wantAsisa: I want that Nuit is Angelina Jolie....
So as a real Thelemite, you have to do:
Angelina = Nuit, or Angelina <=> Nuit, or (Angelina =Salt= Nuit =/= Angelina ==Nuit) etc, and check, if (with filling some "blacks" in the in),
Asisa = t
Angelina = tBecause: t NAND t = T (c) Asisa-logic...
the the
@Asisa said
Asisa = t
Angelina = tBecause: t NAND t = T (c) Asisa-logic...
"And when you wanna fool people, you say them, that
Nuit = Angelina =/= Layla (def Layla by AL)s <- me^^, I am Out with you, Ra-Hoor-Khuit
Define: Novitas = "the new girl"
AND(logic) Novatis (this Aleister Crap), so...
"Ich hab meine Tage =/= Tage = tage? => Tage