For Mauel Steinbauer: Remember www.youtube.com/watch?v=l67lRY6H2CM DSA
Remember playing DSA
, Nandus was a God in there:
So- _______________ Who is Nandus?
2.________________ How are named the two sons of Nandus? - _______________ Who could be a good Master...
(Hey Manu,ich dachte mir, ich implementier hier ein Spiel, in dem es nen "Automatischen Meister" gibt (AL AND NL)... Ist ziemlich lusting und ich hoffe es macht die Welt a
too long... so
Borborhad =/= Borbarad
For Asisa:Bor is defined as "Death" OR "Boringness" and in Borborhad both not, so tryied..
I want Amazeroth be played by Leo
Didn't meet Leo in Real Life
solved riddle to say
- _______________ Who is Nandus?