@Alrah said
@AbUldIZ418 said
@Alrah said
"It'll be the full moon that made it flow so much. They did studies years ago, and people in hospital that go under the knife bleed more heavily. Most women say they bleed more heavily if their period happens on a full moon too.
I did a bit of bibliomancy for you to try and find the significance:
Grantor: a person who makes a grant of conveyance. Related to Grant 'to bestow or convey, particularly in answer to prayer or request'.
Tried to narrow that down a bit and got Passant: 'a term that applies to an animal which appears to walk'.
If you've been making any 'requests' of certain old gods or entities - perhaps you should check if they are traditionally blood thirsty?"
That was weird also. I just wrote quoting you here and submitted it and seen it submitted but this is not there. Any way I'll rewrite this? I done a small rite the other night and as my friend said I have a heavy pentiant for Egyption God forms. Any way once done I didn't feel an Elemantal and this presence sufficiantly discharged but went on for a bit and just dismissed this from thought. Anyway I have just finished Duquette's My life w/the Spirits and don't know if you have read or no? As I was finishig the book I had gone to the bathroom to take care of business (this quite embarrising) and had pulled TP off for when finished and had laid it down on the book until done for use. The cover of the book has Goetic sigil of a spirit of what he/Goetia names as Andromalius. I may should have paid a bit more attention I suppose.
Note that my experience happened during the blood phase of the moon. Care to elaborate further?
L.V.X. x Love x Will = Magnitude.
93 93/93"
Well - My book indicates Andromalius would probably be more into eggs. It refers to him as a 'Cragsman': 'One who is dexterous in climbing or descending rocks; one who takes sea-fowls or their eggs from crags.
It goes on to tell me that your nose bleeding event is a response to 'a short anthem or versicle chanted at intervals'.
Hope this helps. "
U will not believe this but this nose bleed has returned severely. I had tried to lay down for the night and picked up Duquette's Chicken QABALAH and started getting a drip in the back of my throaght and got up emediatly to deal w/it it has not stopped now for almost 6 minutes so now I have tried to plug tissue into my nose to hopfully help it clot. I cant believe this is happening. I am definatly experiencing this Eclipse in full force.Please elaborate further if possible.
L.V.X. x Love x Will = Magnitude.
93 93/93