I agree that much of Aristotle is downright sexist. Really. But, I think that you also have to consider the time he lived in. Greece in the 300's BC wasn't exactly a pit of sexual equality...shoot, women were property and vessels for children and that was it! Plus, consider Aristotle's teacher, Plato, when he said, 'The wisest is the finest'; he was talking about his 15 year old boyfriend.
But, if you look at his metaphysics there is another story. The Unmoved Mover has much in common with Kether and the Prime Mover could be the rest of the Sephira. Then there is his epistemology, he says that part our knowledge comes from from the Nous(?) or eye of the soul, not just experience or being taught something but a sort of divine knowledge. Then there are his ethics. In 'Nichomachean Ethics' he wrote that the optimum activity for the soul that led to happiness was called eudaimonia. The word "Daimon" was over the years, turned into the word demon, but if you think about it, it might actually be the HGA or working in unison with the HGA.