I've been looking for an useful method to begin my studies in thelema, yet I don't see any improvement...
I found a reading list for A.'. A.'. Initiates and started by reading the equinox vol 1 but I sure have a difficulty with these books because what is discussed there don't seem to me too helpful for someone without any background in these topics...the only one I deem comprehensible is LIBER LIBRÆ SVB FIGVRÂ XXX, sure It seemed logic to me.
However, I'll try to be direct and short with my doubts:
1.Which books could give me preliminary grounding in this religion's ? I mean, some overviews of the methods, means and aims to attain a initial development and basic comprehension of thelema
2 .When I think about thelema instantly comes to my my mind terms like kabbalah , magick and this kind of resources and l think I seriously need to have an objective, comprehensive and clear overview of the use of these on the search of the true will. well, obviously I deem this advanced, but after the first steeps I'll need a way to keep my developing, won't I?
- I don't quite understand the influence of other religions within thelema. For example, in a reading list there were recommended books from other religions, and my question is if the beliefs of those religions should be added to the thelemitic way of living? (I'm reading the bible, but I consider the reading of this as a study of christian philosophy not to be added to my beliefs, I don't have anything against it, but Jehovah seems to me a barren and unprofitable belief)
4.This is only curiosity: In that reading list mentioned above Alice in wonderland and through the looking glass were also recommended because of their cabbalistic significance, or something like that.
Now there, I would ask: which are the means employed to attain this(gematria?)? and what is the aim of that cabbalistic significance? Well, I have already read Alice in wonderland before that and now I'm reading through the looking glass, though it's not an intent to discover those significances, but because I've always wanted to read those books since childhood (but that wasn't possible then because in my native language I never saw the books, maybe they haven't been translated yet, and that could be logical, for the puns and rhymes are a charming element of the English original and in my language that wouldn't be present)
I'm interested in thelema because after so much reflection and conclusions I separated myself from any joy residing on materialism and wealth, and that was eventually replaced by utter disgust for materialist conducts, and a bit of regret for have been in that misleading path.
Well, I hope this doesn't seem to ignorant or desperate to you all.