Oxford dictionary of modern English?
Fr Seraphis
What is our utimate/innermost identity in Thelema? -
Banishing and the HGAWell, on my planet, banishing rituals have no effect on my HGA.
Quite the opposite: ruby has this tendency for balancing the 4 worlds, as it were.HGA is beyond that, in my experience.
Is it possible to attain Nuit level consciousness?@Captainmaharaj said
"Just curious if was possible to experience the entirety of Nuit's consciousness?"
Of course.
How else are we to really advance, you think?
Merely by learning the words of The Law by heart?
Lol -
Sol InvictusWelcome.
Maybe you want to read "the Law is for all " book.
Kundalini and sexual release@Jim Eshelman said
Think of it this way: If it were as simple as you are stating, then everyone who can't get laid and has their hands in casts would be sublimely enlightened. I haven't noticed this to be true.
LOL Jim.
Good one lolinri
Spiritual hierarchy and HGA communication@Jim Eshelman said
"Masturbation is fine, I just wasn't volunteering to lend you an extra hand in the process."
Lol Jim.
Where did Gopi Krsna go wrong?@Jim Eshelman said
"And... why do you think his HGA didn't help him? Were you expecting some sort of intervention event that kept him from making stupid mistakes?
Nope, that rarely happens: There are mistakes, and we are not protected from them. Mistakes are our teachers. And, considering that Gopi Krishna didn't first attain the K&C of the HGA, the first event opened up enormous channels of guidance. "
Very well said, Jim.
The Abyss: A star is "cast forth"Good questions.
Perception of Gender in the HGA@sk4p said
The Nephilim Press one with Jason Miller, Rufus Opus, et al? I've had it for a while now; several of the authors are pals of mine and I've been milking them.
If there's an even newer one, I must find it.
Yep, thats the one.
Good luck!
Perception of Gender in the HGAMale, female, neither.
For the most part female.
On a related subject, there is a new book just out, titled Holy guardian angel.
Adepts freely sharing their insights.
Worth reading, IMO.inri
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Solo TantraEhm, I wouldnt want to rain on anyone's parade here, but to really advance in Tantra
initiation and guidance of a Master is needed.Inri
A Question Regarding Free Will@Jim Eshelman said
"Yes, True Will has little or nothing to do with free will as usually expressed, and has almost nothing to do with a personality's choices.
One can take this ride happily or unhappily. Thelema counsels taking it happily (joyously, ecstatically). This is rarely done by the personality taking the reins to force a direction. It is nearly always done by the personality discovering and acknowledging the true motion of a star through existence and then consciously conforming its choices to that actuality."Agreed.
Well said, Jim.
Solo Tantra@Hermes said
It reminds me the mecanism of speech and secrecy. Breaking the rules if done right is actually very good. It can make one "jump" straight to the next thing. But it can also be a mistake whose effects take much time to correct ! The more powerful the technique the more good or harm will happen."
Oh yes Hermes,
I agree.Well said.
The same applies to our rituals and intentions / articulated Will,
IMO. -
Solo Tantra@Hermes said
"When one stays on mental force, the lower adjustement is instant. But if one falls, one falls back to the corresponding laws. There are different laws on different planes, though they are one too. The yin and the yang oscilation is maintained.
The more subtle mecanism, the more it applies on higher plane because all laws converge to The Law.
When it is clear, no time is wasted. Even past is transformed."
I agree.
Well said.And embracing the whole of Tantra (not only sex rituals), one might advance really rapidly, going really high...
...and if one screwes up the Tantric ritual(s), the fall is also very rapid and deep.Dangerous path Tantra is or can be.
Solo Tantra@Takamba said
" Tantra is a full system, not just sex magick. As was said earlier, anyone reading AC will figure out that Thelema is tantra."
Being into Tantra for as long as I can remember (and still learning), reading on/offline that people equate Tantra with sex rituals, always evokes a smile to my face.
Only in as shallow and f***ed up a culture as ours here in the West is, elaborated and advanced system like Tantra could be bought simply as sex.
There is sooooooo much more to Tantra.
Oh yes, Thelema is "just" a modern expression of the ancient teachings of Tantric masters.
'Yoni tantra' says it all, offering the concept of the "Will" centuries before A.C. and freely sharing the most secret and oh-my-gods stuff of the O.T.O.
The Voice of the Silence question@Jim Eshelman said
" In other words, God is the dick shoved as deep into your {****} as inhumanly possible.
"LOL Jim.
Can Masters reincarnate? Do they?@Jim Eshelman said
Every incarnation, no matter what level one has previously attained, one starts all over. "Revisiting previous stages" is exactly what one does. (However, the steps go faster, since it's a recap.)Remember, there are a new body, a new Nefesh, and a new Rooach to train."
Yeah yeah.
And one doesnt stop there, for s/he already knows higher taste.
93 93/93
Can Masters reincarnate? Do they?@Patriel said
"Trivia question: So the reincarnated 8=3 can't become a Black Brother, can he?"
Once 8=3 has been really attained, there is no need to revisit previous stages of development.
Can Masters reincarnate? Do they?@Jim Eshelman said
"I think a lot of people tend to think of the "annihilation" of "crossing the Abyss" as the full dissolution of a being - as if it were the culmination of the Eight High Trances. In fact, it's more like the beginning of the Eight High Trances. It's a disentangling of the jumbled threads of "tendencies" to dissipate the illusion of any sense of self and life that existed before, the release of ego identification with any Ruach, Nefesh, or physical (Goof) aspects and the projection structures attached to them... etc. etc. etc.... yet there is still a star in the motion of Will and the condition of Love.
Generally this is expressed as the cessation of all that one is, and I think this is completely true in any sense people would understand that language. One certainly has to be willing for it to be true to navigate the experience."
Well said, Jim.
Well, according to the Four stages of enlightenment (which begins after the passing of the Abyss and entails 8 level trances) as per Theravada tradition, at Anagami level attainment there is no return to this material level and the 4th level, Arahat, there is complete freedom.
Anagami level is maybe 9=2 and Arahat 10=1, if it is even possible to compare these two maps of initiation/attainment.
Devotional HGA practice prior to Adeptus Minor@SoF said
Hi GE,
Interesting reply and I think I understand what you're saying. What I'm not looking for is for someone to reply here, 'Right, SoF, if you want your HGA to contact you by dinner time tomorrow, recite the following prayer and Bob's your uncle.'
Naturally, I want, at some point, to have Knowledge and Conversation of my Holy Guardian Angel. But my question was more about devotional practices that sort of 'open oneself up' to the HGA. Not for immediate K&C but more an initial, and then continual, acknowledgement to the HGA that he is in your thoughts, that you have started a path to get to know him and that through your continued magical practice, and these devotional practices, you hope that in time, you will prove worthy of his attention.
I hope that makes sense!"
It makes all the sense, to me at least.
May I suggest performing Star Sapphire?
Jim has outlined and explained it in the Pearls.Good luck!