@Jason R said
"...and this above is exactly why I became disillusioned. So many "enlightened" people within Thelema (and magic in general) who would rather be snarky, or mean and arrogant. BTW, I meant Q# for the Quantum programming, I simply misspoke. Grow up.
As for Islam, what in the hell would AC admire about it? The machismo? The misogyny? Maybe you can refresh my memory on the grand aspects worth praise? What preconceived notions do you think I have? The book is on par with the Bible with its level of BS and insanity. There is nothing there worth admiring. Ridiculous."
never surprised to see a programmer ambling around like their wand is dragging on the floor.
if you can't understand something then it's a personal problem. nothing is obliged to explain itself to you more than it does already. as for Islam specifically, AC said on several occasions what his reasoning behind the admiration for it was. but people change and so do their opinions. as someone who was brought up with the Plymouth Brethren i'm sure anything that wasn't explicitly self-denying and effacing was a marvel to him.
as for "Quantum Thelema", we are not volunteer researchers. if you have a point, do a little research, and posit something for discussion. don't come on here and ask other people to do your homework for you and then bitch about it.