I recommend, for a job-seeking spell, using a reasonably sharp knife to carve "666" into your forehead. You need to do this at three-day intervals for 30 days so that appropriate scar tissue builds up. For antiseptic, use Oil of Abramelin, working it well into the wound each time. This spell is guaranteed to have an effect like none other when it comes to job interviews! (I guarantee it will lead to a more alert, thinking, discriminating work-force if widely practiced.)
JS Mooger
@JS Mooger
Daily Eucharist -
Robert AllenSince you asked about the lodges, have you tried Temple of Thelema's contact page?
helema.org/temple_of_thelema/locations.html -
Thelemic Analysis of the Keyword -
Joining the A.'.A.'.In other words, "By their fruits and nuts you shall know them."
Definition of a ThelemiteEverybody please repeat with me in chorus:
"We are all individuals." -
Do What Thou Wilt is freedom to define infinite universesOh, they got us by the balls.
I don't really think that, but I love saying it so I voted it
JS MoogerSo cool, EagleEyes. I'm the opposite, tho. I try not to think. Gets me in less trouble.
I'm interested in altered states and sex. (Where are the sex talks? The agreement said there would be sex talk here? Is it true that Thelemites worship a whore?)