While I cannot comment on what freemasonry is like in India. In the UK in London and down south in portsmouth in the UK and also lon milo duquette comments Freemasonry is predominantly a group of christians with little understanding of their symbolic heritage. While in the UK you are free to be Hindu, Muslim, Sikh or whatever the only requirement is that you believe in a grand architect (a creating deity) and you believe in a moral code. The process involves making good men into better men through charity work and beyond that there is little spiritual improvement except in small groups like SRIA which is basically a rosicrucian movement. In the UK a person interested in joining SRIA must be a Trinitarian Christian (or at least claim to be) and they must be a Master Mason which usually takes over a year in a masonic lodge in the UK. I don't suppose that any of this is necessarily the case in India. But Lon Milo Duquette find that he is regarded by his fellow mason's as being too liberal in his politics and his interest seem too occult to them.
The AA on the other hand is a new Aeon organisation and in most lineages very little is taught person to person instead an individual is expected to study on their own through the grades of the golden dawn 0=0 to 4=7 before a person is even considered for admission to the AA. Most of this takes place through self study (under the supervision of someone in the AA) which is ALOT of work and ALOT of self control. They have examinations throughout the process in some lineages so that people unable to study cannot get in or ascend. There are a few initiations during this process but I've not yet heard of a group that does initiations at every grade.
Most of the AA lineages are in Europe and North America while the OTO is spread a little further there isn't a grand master in India right now but there was some discussion as to whether it could be set up. However as India is a large country it would not necessarily be near by you. I think if you spoke to a number of lineages of the AA and sent them signed forms with the student / probationer / neophyte oath then might consider allowing you to be initiated if you fly over for the initiations and consider relocating closer to other members of the AA in 5-7 years time when you reach the end of 4=7, they require this type of life devotion (but I must admit I've met members in the AA that don't appear show it).
I've met some people that guide themselves through an understanding of tantra and ceremonial magick which exhibit more comfort, confidence, knowledge and ability than those who study in groups but such people often study under yogis and reiki masters (real masters of japanese reiki not this western system where a person just calls themselves a master after three years of study) and are incredibly good at academic research, yoga and show a lot of self control. It's worth mentioning that these diamonds in the rough are few and far between.