We all know about Crowley's appetites. Some of us may have even followed in his footsteps (raises hand)... I would even dare to say that one can't understand where he was coming from until one has been successfully addicted to heroin (not difficult).
All this discipline. All this practice to tame the mind and tendencies. How could he preach and do all that he did "for mankind" while riding the white pony to his death-bed? Is this just another classic case of "do what I say and not what I do" ?
"take strange drugs unto me" I'd say a lifetime of heroin addiction makes that drug very NOT strange to him. I could see the value if his experience with H was an experimental or rituallistic use, but it wasn't. He was a drop-dead junkie, hands down... not to mention the sex addiction as well..
Don't get me wrong.. I'm still a fan. His photo is still on my wall, next to the buddha.
What's my point? I guess I wonder who has followed his footsteps in this regard. Can we take what we want from the man and declare ourselves Thelemites? What Themite is willing to dive into the deep sea of addiction in order realize what it was like to be Crowley? I, for one, feel a little cheated and lied to. Personally, I believe he was lying to himself the whole time. He died an addict. How's that for discipline?