I had the pleasure of attending the talk by James Eshelman yesterday ( 08/03/08 ) in Toronto, and really just joined this forum for the moment to say thanks again, it was a pleasure to meet a real wizard! The talk was concise, and as I mentioned to a couple of you yesterday it wrapped up nicely what I've been learning slowly over the past three years into an easily-digestible package. Lots of good practical advice as well, including the inspiration to write my autobiography for my self reference. Kudos!
However, it may happen that I actually participate on the board, so I might as well do an introduction thing anyway:
I am 25, a female, Canadian, and not a Thelemite. I have a difficult time with associations and rules which I have not made myself. That is not to say I am not curious on learning more about Thelema and it's practices.
The brief history:
I was lucky to be born and raised by artists in the country on a beautiful piece of property. My childhood was filled with love and creativity from the people around me and because of this I assumed that was the way things were everywhere. Then I grew up, became disillusioned, and as a result quite depressed, nihilistic, empty, suicidal, the whole bit. I thought a lot about death in my early teen years.
Shortly after, I found that sex and drugs and general debauchery were great distractions from the emptiness.
Several years of this, and I spontaneously had an experience that suggested I stop all substance abuse all of a sudden. I listened.
Three more years of sobriety, finding my footing in life, I was in a really strange situation and had an overwhelming urge to do some LSD again, which I (out of character for me at the time) ended up following through on. It was... profound. Changed my life. I re-understood Love.
So, for the last three years I've been digesting that experience and practicing various types of yoga (albeit not as diligently as I probably should be). I am not interested in yoga or magick for any of the so-called powers or to draw anything into my life, but to learn how to express Love more completely, more consistently, and with more intensity. I am extremely fortunate to have a partner who "gets it" and helps to inspire my progress in this endeavor. He's a Thelemite, and introduced me to it in a very unforced way.
I am fascinated by the variety of human experiences, life in all forms (and the exchanges thereof), understanding and overcoming fears, and developing my self-awareness. I have an incredible love for wizards, delicious food, adventure & new experiences.
Naturally there is a lot more, but much of it is irrelevant. Really I just wanted to say hello! There seem a lot of interesting characters milling about here.
As where I am right now involves being on the internet less and focusing on my own aspirations and projects more, I will probably be an infrequent visitor, but at least I know where to come if I have any questions!
With Love,