Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Hi Gerry,
@gerry456 said
"as Cabbalistic analysis of all natural and man-made structures should be a hobby/passtime for all of us i ask how you would do this for the following ;
the human body
I could say a lot about this subject. But let me start with this:
I could also speak to the three formal domains of systems engineering, and how they overlay the upper tree: Operational, Functional, and Physical. But perhaps one of the more interesting exercises involves revealing how the hexgram aligns with the features of the human face. Try this:
- Place your hands on the table in front of you. Align the tips of your index fingers so they touch each other, and do the same for the tips of your tumbs. A natural triangle is formed, yes?
- Raise this triangle to your face, with your nose in the center. Notice several correspondences...
- Notice the spot where the thumbs come together... The human mouth is represented by the base of the triangle.
- Notice the spot where the index fingers come together. The human brain is represented by the apex of the triangle.
- Notice what sensory structures are immediately behind the two base corners of the triangle.
- Notice what sensory structures are crossed-thru by the two sides of the triangle.
- All vertices and sides of the triangle perfectly align with aspects of the human head. If you turn the triangle over on your face, you will notice that the same structures are now represented by alternate aspects of the triangle (e.g. where the eyes were represented by the sides, now they are represented by the base vertices, etc.)
This is just one of many exercises. Examples: The heart+lungs form a triangle that represents the fundamental functional basis for the human organism. The pubic/genital triangle should be the most obvious, but there is even more when you consider the structures behind the human sexual act: Propagating the species is literally a perfect interaction of the "zero" (vagina) with the "one" (penis). One could say the equation "0=1" is shorthand for the sex act!
"apologies to any engineers for my simplistic outlook here lol that was totally on the fly and i would be inteersted to hear from an experienced Cabalist could analyse these examples particularly in the interplay between the Sephirah"
I am an engineer (aerospace, control systems to be precise) who has studied the Tree Of Life since the early 80s. I have come to the conclusion that the TOL is an excellent structural model for use in engineering any "intelligent" system which also needs to be balanced. I have even worked an exercise where I can show how the basics for how we teach a new pilot to fly are reflected by the structure of the TOL.