@Deus Ex Machina said
"If saying Will before eating becomes too ingrained and thus an automated behavior... that might somewhat defeat the purpose of doing it. That's an interesting thought, I find."
Duly noted. What I feel I'm trying to achieve here is basically two fold.
First, it's in the book that I've chosen to follow (David Shoemaker's Living Thelema). It sounds like a silly reason on it's own, but I want to follow a basic structure of "attainment". I've recently started bodybuilding, and following a well documented regimen has been wonderful in that aspect. I see no reason not to follow a specific structure that I can later add to or modify to suit my needs/understanding.
Second, I'm trying to follow the idea along the lines of "pray with your words, and soon you'll be praying with your heart." I don't want it to become simply a habit, but in essence it needs to be something of a habit, just like basic grooming. I mean, I don't always stop and ask myself why I am shaving or brushing my teeth. I want to stay focused on finding my true will, and this seems like a very basic practice that will keep me subconciously reminded of that goal. I want to stay mindful.
Los, I basically agree with your points. I'm not neccessarily trying to keep things separate, though to be quite honest, it is a bit separate, at least as in as separate as my other personal goals are from the current commitments I have made. I sometimes feel like "magick" is somewhat of an escape, I won't lie. My work life is not particularly interesting, but it provides my family with what we need to survive. My family life is challenging at times, yet fun, but at the moment, very attention demanding. The little time I take away from this is a slight bit of escape, a time to reflect and feel, to imagine, to comprehend the great mysteries in my head and in the universe. I do hear what you're saying though. It's not separate, really.
EDIT: Seriously, I just simply cannot remember to say will. I forgot at every moment today. In the past 3 days since I've started, I've only said will maybe 2 times. Eh. I'm not beating myself up over it or anything. I think it's time I break out the big guns and set a phone reminder of some sort. Just put an icon on my phone. I feel oh so clever.