Hey guys,
I am new to the forum and just wanted to introduce myself. I have been lurking around here for awhile and thought I should join the discussions.
So I have had an interest in Thelema for a couple years now. I have studied a lot, all around and general broaded, about mysticism, magick, paganism, esotericism, etc.
Right now I practice Asatru/Norse Paganism and am studying the runes. But I have always been interested in other forms of magick, and definitely Thelema is what I have always wanted to really delve into. I still struggle to see if they are compatible, and I would to think so from a henotheistic point of view.
I just got done reading the Book of the Law. Actually, it was a book called "Overthrowing the Old Gods" by Don Webb, with commentary on about every line in the book. In reality, the commentary was much harder to understand than the actual book. But I intend to go over it more and more. I also have Book 4 Magick, which I've skimmed through but never really got deep into. And finally I have "Diary of a Drug Fiend", which I consider one of my favorite novels.
Anyways, I see that there are some good stickys so I will get started there.
Look forward to posting here!