"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law"
Hello there my name is James, I am an independant thelemite. I follow the spiritual teachings of the occultist and philosopher Aleister Crowley. Mainly the teachings and techniuques set fourth in the A.A. I am currently reading and performing the exercises found in Gems from the Equinox. I have traveled the united states quite extensively via freight train and hitch-hiking. I have a pretty interesting life and there is never a dull moment. I believe that my experinces have only served to strengthin my will. Just when I think that I am defeated, I realize that it is only the begining, "for the greater the trial, the greater the triumph". Alester Crowley has taught me more truth in my life than anyone else. "For every man and every woman is a star" even if we fail to realize it, the latent flame that burns in the heart of every man and in the core of every star. His words stand as beacons of light in my life. I hope to someday find a special woman who might want to share in the light of illumination, someone who might want to raise a family in the ways of thelema.
"Love is the law, Love under will"