93 Recently i have found out i need to be circumcised ,the operation will be carried out within a hospital enviroment .Are there any rituals available along Thelemic lines that one can use that would make it more symbolic than just getting foreskin snipped 9393/93
Was Crowley Circumcised -
Thanks for info
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LBRP/LIRP93 ,Folks
LBRP....After the Q.Cross and one steps forward ,traces the Pentagram with forefinger then draws in the divine name mentally , projects forefinger to center of Pentagram and vibrates the Divine name charging the Pentagram and visualizing the Divine Name in Hebrew going through it to eternity OK If one is using the Enterer in the same point do you visualise yourself going through the Pentagram and the Divine name rushing in front of hands then withdraw back through the Pentagram into the center of your circle visualizing the Glowing Star with the Divine Name glowing in the center followed by the sign of silence Is it also good practice to trace the circle from center to center of each pentagram or can one leave it out .What effect does this have either way once rituals are done
LIRP....Once one has invoked say Earth ..Spirit..Inv.Earth Pentagram ....Sign .....does one go through the invoked pentagram in the form of the sign travelling or is ones Aura being transformed by the rays of the pentagram and again if you are in a particular quarter is it best to trace a circle from center to center .Iguess i am looking for approaches that give good ritual conduct and seek clarification from more experienced folks on the path
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whiskersDo what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law
Greetings folks I couldnt think of a better intro at this time and send good will to all seeking truth behind centuries of conditioning .I am an irishman simply through birth , universal throughout and accept thelema as a genuine evolved mindset to raise the conciousness of man/woman to an understanding of mans path on this planet.Like any Aeon the mindset fits in but as one can see the contollers in this modern society pass the fear to the inferior soldiers as such ,us as humans to keep tabs on their control.What we have is universal illness filled with corrupt politics ,extreme religions,suppressed education,basically riddled with pain.So having dabbled with tarot,iching,qabalah,crowlyean literature,wiccan and other lines i find no better place to chat and meet people on a similar mindset .At present i hope it helps as an intoduction to my character and purpose in the realm of discs and seek to ask many questions .From all the eternal edges of the shamrock........Light,Life,Love,Liberty.........Whiskers
Love is the law Love under will