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College of Thelema: Thelemic Education

ARCHIVES: Tarot Meditation Project

Here is material from earlier stages of the project.

82 Topics 525 Posts
  • And so... it ends

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    Great! I will post my findings after my 3rd meditation on each card.

  • October 18-20, 2011: X - Fortune

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    I actually believe this card has a vast amount of relevance to planetary and zodiacal invocation (GRH I - GRH B) on a daily basis.
    Every day, during those planetary hours that correspond to the relevant day of the week as well as the planetary hour
    of that day. Doing this daily results in a form of awareness I registered during meditation as 'rotational consciousness'.
    Albeit, I believe this is only one aspect of the symbolism and I do find it believable that this is a core concept regarding
    it's magical formula. In my personal experience this method leads to the rotational awareness involved in Kaph.
    Ride the wheel!

  • February 28, 2012 - March 1, 2012: 7 of Swords

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    @Al-Shariyf said

    "While I am still in the process of working out how my highest aspirations relate to this card, I got the idea that there is a direct connection between the energies represented by this card and the energies represented by the 10 of wands (Oppression), 8 of cups (Indolence) and 7 of disks (Failure).

    To me..., the things that these cards all have in common is the characterization of their energy in words that have "vice" connotations for me. In fact, if memory serves me correctly, they are perhaps the only four names for the cards that I tend to want to tweak to make better because I'd like to be able to say that none of the energies expressed by the cards are necessarily "bad." But everything I think of I can also criticize as insufficient. "Veil not your vices in virtuous words: these vices are my service..." criticizes me in this thought as well.

    For the 7 of Swords - it would be something along the lines of the overly wordy "Desire for the victory of one 'correct' perspective alone," which desire seems to have been judged by the ideal of the 2 of Swords as an illusory hope and labeled "Futility," which to me, misses an actual expression of the desire but does seem to wrap up the desire and its consequences all together in the feeling of frustation it ultimately creates.

    It's interesting to me that the 7 of Swords is a Moon card, while the latter three are Saturn cards. This distinction aside, the thing that it strikes me that they all have in common is some form of frustration with the limitations of reality. They all are able to be related to the idea of frustration quite easily - at least to me.

  • November 15-17, 2011: XVIII - The Moon

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    Thank you, Jim

    Juan pointed out to me that 9 is the position of Yesod.

    We had a great study group last night, lots of enthusiasm and insights.

    93 93/93

  • September 27-29, 2011: IV - The Emperor

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    Thanks. I don't have particular questions.
    I've been doing a sort of devotional meditation with this ATU symbolism, so was just looking for some more 'food for thought' in this regard.

  • January 20-22, 2012: 6 of Cups

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    @Bereshith said

    "Hmm... So more Sol/Scorpio than Sun/Death.

    That helps. Trying to get the hang of it again. "

    The attribution is specifically the Sun decanate of Scorpio. The means of meditating on this involves the Tarot trumps The Sun and Death, because these are the Tarot's ways of representing Sun and Scorpio.

    Basically, there isn't any difference. The Scorpio idea intended is that which is expressed by Atu XIII. Paired with the Sun, it produces such Scorpio/Death ideas as fertility per se, putrefaction as a specific basis of fertility/growth, fulfillment of the sexual Will, etc.

  • June 8 - 10, 2012: Princess of Disks

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    (Copied from a separate thread to maximize the chance that people see it.)

    As of today, the Tarot Meditation Project is concluded, 39 weeks after it began: Exactly enough time to conceive and bear a baby.

    I want to thank Shariyf for his enormous contribution and delivery on this. I hope this has been valuable for many of you.

    We will leave the finished project up for at least a while, in case there are some stragglers coming from behind.

    Remember that you can get Liber Theta as a free download from <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->

    Again, thanks to everyone.

  • June 1 - 3, 2012: Queens of Disks

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    The Queens of Disks reminds me of my ex-girlfriend. She always seemed a step ahead of the pack and she was a PRO at that shit. What I got out of meditating on the Queens of disks to really listen to my precognition. I noticed a high degree of precognition occuring. It would come in the form of a bodily sensation, followed by a mental image, followed by a word that would arise in my mind and finally, something would happen in physical reality that was in direct correlation to what I was internally experiencing.

  • June 5 - 7, 2012: Prince of Disks

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    [attachment=0:2t5bqnqn]<!-- ia0 -->Disks (Courts).jpg<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:2t5bqnqn]

  • May 29 - 31, 2012: Knight of Disks

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    Seeing how the elemental dignities for the Court cards play out has been a pretty interesting experience. In the case of the Knight of Disks, we have the Knight who likes to takes things slow and steady. He's all laid back and methodical. Doesn't really like to rock the boat. Throw some fire under his ass and he's going from 0 to 60 in like 2.5 seconds, which sucks for him, because he can't sustain his performance under conditions that require him to throw everything he's got into it. He's a marathon runner not a sprinter.

  • May 25-27, 2012: Princess of Swords

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    No one has replied
  • May 15 -17, 2012: Knight of Swords

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    When the aliens come into town and start eating people left and right, the Knight of Swords is either denying they exist or he's locked in a basement somewhere writing some elaborate plan to save the world on a blackboard. We can also find him masterminding a bank heist in the back of a seedy flower shop. He doesn't get his hands dirty though. His brain is too valuable. He's more book smart than streetsmart; More Sam Rothstein than Nicky Santoro.

  • May 18 - 20, 2012: Queen of Swords

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    The Queen of Swords – Queen of the Sylphs & Sylphides.
    WATER of AIR

    Meditation pattern: Place 10 of Disks, 2 of Swords, and 3 of Swords side-by-side, with the Queen of Swords above them. Below the two Swords, place Atu VIII, Adjustment.

    Traditional Description: A graceful woman with wavy, curling hair, like a Queen seated upon a throne and crowned. Beneath the throne are gray cumulus clouds. Her general attire is as that of the Queen of Wands; but she wears, as a crest, a winged child’s head. A drawn sword in one hand, and in the other a large, bearded, newly severed head of a man.

    HEH of VAV (WATER of AIR): The watery characteristics of Air are its currents and flow, not the unyielding temper of the sword’s steel. Heh of Vav represents Neshamah functioning in the mental world of Yetzirah. She is hunches and insights more than hard fact. She has no shortage of conviction, nor lack of precision, but is perceptive of pattern more than particulars. When heeded, she represents the willingness of the egoic intellect to respond to hunches and intuition.

    In her hand is a man’s severed head: she is the “Liberator of the Mind,” ensuring that intellect responds to higher governance rather than signals from the body. The same symbol paints her as a “black widow” and suggests the phrase, “I’ll have his head;” for her aspect is severe when warranted. She represents alienation and isolation (the “division hither homeward” of Liber L. 3:2). Hers is the painful separation inherent in Swords, feeling “cut off” from all else. In her, this cuts more deeply, for Heh, the Mother principle, is our soul’s native experience of oneness. This idea corresponds to one of the decanates with which she is associated, the second decanate of , ruled by Saturn and called SORROW. (She rules from 20° Virgo to 20° Libra.) It reflects her primary loss, and the grief and bereavement thereof. She also corresponds to the first  decanate, ruled by the Moon and titled PEACE. A contrast must be made, however, between this and the third Libra decanate, of which she has no part, called “Truce”: There is no truce in her, though there is compromise. That is, distinctive views can be brought into harmony by the effect of Heh on the plane of mental dialectic, but their differences will not be whitewashed nor set aside. By her relationship to Libra in general, she is equated to Maat, and to the “woman girt with a sword” (Liber L., 3:11). The Scarlet Woman – Binah, Neshamah, Heh – must, in this present stage of humanity’s growth “take up her sword.” That is, intellect, increasingly, must become a tool in the hand of Neshamah. Lamed, corresponding to Libra, means “to teach,” and its teaching is through consequences of our thoughts, words, and other deeds – the benevolent, faithful, and invariable instruction of karma on which we must learn to rely as one important means of admitting the consciousness of Heh into our very human intellectual and reactive minds.

    She also partakes of the last decanate of Virgo, ruled by Mercury and called WEALTH; yet this is her shadow, her nemesis. Hers is not the way of the finished product. The child she nurtures is a work in progress. Hers is not the practical management of completed affairs but, rather, the ongoing brainstorming of creative solution. The potential is always in her, the possibility of simply autocratically administering “what’s so” as a fait accompli; but in this, she becomes more Sword and less Queen. She loses her timeless perspective.

    In divination, the character is intensely perceptive, keen in observation, intuitive, subtle, quick, precise, and confident; often persevering, accurate in superficial things; compromising and adaptable, yet without being abdicating; graceful, fond of dancing; yet sorrowful and alone. (May indicate a widow). If ill-dignified: cruel, severe, autocratic, alienated, grieving, alone; sly, deceitful, stubborn, unreliable, though with a good exterior.

  • May 22-24, 2012: Prince of Swords

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    [attachment=0:1d2lvwos]<!-- ia0 -->Swords (Courts).jpg<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:1d2lvwos]

  • May 8 - 10, 2012: Prince Of Cups

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    @Al-Shariyf said

    "At my current job, I am being trained to monitor, interrupt and bypass my internal dialogue when it starts going "haywire". When I'm able to do this, I get very present to the fact that I am the one creating the way my experience shows up for me. Then I get present to the fact that everyone around me is doing the same thing I.E. creating how their worlds occur for them. Knowing this, it becomes easy to "speak into their world" and create a "future for them to live into". It's an awesome skill to have. One worth developing. "

    I can certainly see how this would be useful in the business world.
    I've just been able to do this on and off throughout my whole conscious life. In fact, my intuition is hard-wired to do it in any situation. It makes for a lonely world when you have the ability to move around people's egos like marionettes, people I hoped to have emotional connections with. They become algorithms and the soul is lost. Like my parents. Because of this, I grew up very emotionally distant. Innate intelligence put me through a whirlwind of a childhood, as it made me a minority among the emotionally blind.
    But I'm 17 now, 18 in a couple months, so I'm learning to channel it.

  • May 11-13, 2012: Princess of Cups

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    [attachment=0:2z0mhgls]<!-- ia0 -->Cups (Courts).jpg<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:2z0mhgls]

  • May 4 - 6, 2012: Queen of Cups

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    Thanks for posting this Jim.

    I get the impression that this is someone that has a hard time putting themselves before others. They're prone to do more for another than they would do for themselves .As a result of this, they experience resentment; both towards themselves and towards others when ill-dignified.

  • May 1 - 3, 2012: Knight of Cups

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    [attachment=0:2yt2xiy2]<!-- ia0 -->Cups (Knight).jpg<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:2yt2xiy2]

  • April 27 - 29, 2012: Princess of Wands

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    [attachment=0:1td17w7f]<!-- ia0 -->Wands (Courts).jpg<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:1td17w7f]

  • April 24-26, 2012: Prince of Wands

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    Hey everyone, I've been adjusting to a new schedule and really haven't been taking responsibility for my participation in the project so I want to apologize and acknowledge that lack of integrity before I go into what I got out of this card. You can count on me to post regularly again.

    I don't have much to say about this card other than I found myself in the Prince of Wands. Many things I never understood about myself became very very clear. For example, I always have to be going somewhere or doing something. I crave adventure but when it's time to get it on I find myself wanting to retreat into my shell; my emotions and my imagination because that's where I get to be rich and famous. And I never understood why I get like that until I started meditating on this arrangement. When I reflect on my life experiences the underlying theme of Strife and Victory is always present.