October 18-20, 2011: X - Fortune
(Jupiter)MEDITATION COLOR: Violet.
HEBREW LETTER: Kaph, palm. It means “hand,” particularly the palm or grasping aspect thereof; and, more generally, any curve or cycle, e.g., “dish”; and thus the concept of circularity. The closing hand also signifies a developing grasp of a situation, co-signified by this letter-name’s other literal meaning, “rock, cliff.” Ru, wheel, breath; circulation of blood and breath; thus, getting and storing prana. Note analogy of Kaph to Kappa-Phi.
CARD NAME: “Wheel” comes from the Indo-European root khel-, “to revolve, move around, sojourn, dwell.” Other words stemming from this root include many Jupiter-themed words such as colony, cult, cultivate, culture, as well as cycle, cyclone, collar, pole, pulley. Other occult-themed words from this same Indo-European root include talisman (from the Greek telos, “completion of a cycle”) and chakra (from Sanskrit cakram, “circle, wheel”). “Fortune” comes from the Latin fortuna, from fors, “chance”; but note its relationship to fortis, “strength”!
ESOTERIC MEANING: The Consciousness of the Desired, Which Fulfills. It receives the divine Influence that flows into it as a result of the blessing it confers upon all that exists.
TREE of LIFE: Netzach to Chesed. (Links ‘Victory’ and ‘Mercy’; or Desire with Memory. The sanctification of one’s desire in the RECOLLECTION that the HGA is the One Desire reflected in each manifest expression of desire. “Fortune” befits this path between two benefics.)
ESOTERIC TITLE: The Lord of the Forces of Life
TANTRIC & ALCHEMICAL SIGNIFICANCE: “Lord of the Forces of Life.” Kaph = Kappa-Phi = "kteis + phallos, “a unity of supreme attainment and delight.”
DIVINATION: Change in fortune. Usually means good fortune and happiness, a “turn for the better” (since the fact of consultation implies anxiety or discontent). Law, rhythm, pattern, cycles. Intoxication of success.
The stars are forming impasse in the sky - one needs to master the (im)predictably circling wheel , so to get above them - and that's close to impossible...
I focused also on the reversed card - and the alligator seemed not hanging from the wheel, but - as if he choose to be associated with it, by curling his tail around it and leaning his back against it nonchalantly... these words came to my mind:
the ape is adapting
the crocodile is conducting
the Sphinx simply is.
I had some trouble with this card when I began to work with it but now I think I have some sort of grasp on it.
The Hermit trump was the seed that contained a pattern. The Fortune trump is all about the force of establishing and keeping that pattern in place....the force of habit
The White Triangle - I initially thought the background of this card was the Violet backgound but now I believe the true background of this card is the white triangle. The sperm and egg united and opened the door for this new force to manifest.
Violet background - the body of Nuit...pale and purple....the Violet suggests the blue of Chesed and red of Geburah combining and working together to create a stable background
The circle of stars - at the very top of the card is what appears to be a circle of stars, moving from the background to the foreground
Lightning - the motion of this ring of stars creates a force that shots itself downward into manifestation
Swirls of energy - As the motion of the stars picks up, its motion causes a response in the wheel below, attracing to do it a bunch of energy
Wheel with 10 spokes - 10 spoke wheel (brings to mind Malkuth) with a fist on it...a solid grasp of her R.O.T.A
Crocodile - armed with an ankh and crook, the crocodile is on the bottom of the wheel...to me its the dweller in the waters...the part of us that does not want to accept or change the current habit
The monkey - It mimics, it makes noises but it's our ancentral link. Reminds me of the conscious mind for some reason.
The Sphinx - mastery of self
@Shadoniee said
"I had some trouble with this card when I began to work with it but now I think I have some sort of grasp on it.
"Same here... Great notes as a result, though! (Your notes that is - mine are scarce this time )
I actually believe this card has a vast amount of relevance to planetary and zodiacal invocation (GRH I - GRH B) on a daily basis.
Every day, during those planetary hours that correspond to the relevant day of the week as well as the planetary hour
of that day. Doing this daily results in a form of awareness I registered during meditation as 'rotational consciousness'.
Albeit, I believe this is only one aspect of the symbolism and I do find it believable that this is a core concept regarding
it's magical formula. In my personal experience this method leads to the rotational awareness involved in Kaph.
Ride the wheel!