"You might just as well convert to Christianity.
Since it's all bogus and pure nonsense, and the only thing keeping you from doing it is the sex of Jesus and some personal characteristics of the dude."
Nah... Lol.. I say we just keep the facts straight but still take the Next Step.
And people are allowed to hate their former chains, of course. But I mean, there's a point where.... if what you reject is the false version... then... what does that mean?
"Success is thy proof: argue not; convert not; talk not over much! Them that seek to entrap thee, to overthrow thee, them attack without pity or quarter; & destroy them utterly."
Again, "argue not; convert not; talk not over much!"
or, unwilling to agree with that, please at least go back to school and learn some basic spelling and grammar rules as it comes across as quite an embarrassment to read your words. "could of, should of, would of?" LOL
Sharpen thy sword before you risk life and limb to display it.
Many forms over vast amounts of time.
Beyond! Beyond!
OK, Hawkheaded Child, Your words:
"I’ve heard that one before, that it’s all an ”illusion”. To be honest with you, I don’t give much credit to these delusional games of the mind."
This kind of statement makes me wretch inside, being a true child of the dead and of the starry abode. You just threw your own argument into a reverse paradox that has the potential of making every proceeding statement incredible.
Look, I get what you're saying about Christ having wise words n all. In fact, I was raised Christian just as Crowley was. However, given even ALL of the "credible" scripture from all of known human history, including the Book of the Law which is the most recent to impact humanity in terms of changing religion and world-view, it would be a "sin", even unto Christ and his views, for me to "worship" him or even exalt him in any way besides the way a student exalts another student in the path of enlightenment.
The book of the Law states that dying gods and their influence upon the universe is a form of weakness that must be, as Takamba duly repeats, attacked without pity or quarter, that weakness would not spread.
Takamba: Did I slide in forming my paragraph(s)? I thought I spelled everything ok. Sometimes it is difficult for others to read my sentences at times. The "re:" was to my handle so I just had to read everything over again.
Aion: As much as I've studied the life of Osiris manifested as "Jesus", or "Yeheshuah", I've never come across this psalm. Probably because I've not studied his death as much as I have his lesser forms of magic. (And as a Thelemite, the death of a Dying God should be priority!
) I thank you for bringing this to light.
Jim: Is this why Satan-Typhon's most sacred sacrifice is silence and stillness?
"The book of the Law states that dying gods and their influence upon the universe is a form of weakness that must be, as Takamba duly repeats, attacked without pity or quarter, that weakness would not spread."
Is that what it says?
My read is that it's against anything that would restrict you or divert your from your individual will, including "slave religions." But I never read it as being concerned with converting others to or from anything.
"Success is thy proof: argue not; convert not; talk not overmuch! [BUT!] Them that seek to entrap thee*, to overthrow thee, them attack without pity or quarter; & destroy them utterly. Swift as a trodden serpent turn and strike! Be thou yet deadlier than he! Drag down their souls to awful torment: laugh at their fear: spit upon them!"
". . .and to each man and woman that thou meetest, were it but to dine or to drink at them, it is the Law to give. Then they shall chance to abide in this bliss or no;* it is no odds.*"
*parentheses and italics mine
Converting is a side-effect of doing one's will, but one works "without lust of result", meaning that one takes care of one's self, and protects one's loved ones by doing so. Since Love is the law, that's one meaning I get out of that. Also, when humans witness other humans or animals having success with their lives or how they live/love/work, they tend to consciously and unconsciously take on attributes, (both "vices" and "un-vices",) of the more simpler and successful ones.
I think this is why many of Nuit's awakened children shroud themselves in darkness and mystery. I might cite true "heads". One can dress like a child of Nuit's unfading flowers but still act like a child in diapers, and conversely, one can dress like a businessman but take a thousand micrograms of L to the face and talk circles around "straight people", including cops. But I digress from the original conversation by speaking of Nuit's strange drugs.
It is my belief that proper food, sex, drugs, AND work, (this includes proper ritual magic,) is a requirement for being a responsible cosmic citizen. Remove one of these from the equation of human evolution, and you have a huge misunderstanding that usually ends in war, pestilence, famine, or any of the signs of sickness of a species.
Hey, I have a weird theory regarding sickness and unhealthiness in humans and animals -- recognizability from others. Far from a psychotic idea, (in fact, this idea taken to it's fullest extent would "cure" psychotic disorders from teaching humans not to pay too much attention to one's self,) this has to do with recognizable features from other members of one's ecosystem:
Animals do not really get sick unless they are bitten, usually. This bite is a traded recognizable feature from one animal to another, and therefore an easily traded weakness. Same goes for humans. I think the reason humans get sick much more often than animals and plants, (seeming belying my previous paragraph,) is fingerprints!
Nowadays, people are so into washing their hands and wiping stuff they get at the store, especially the cleaning of fruit and vegetables, (which are handled many more times than boxed/bagged items.) I think this has to do with having recognizable features transferred from one member of a planet to another.
I cannot go into serious details, mostly because of the initial unbelievability of the phenomenon, but the more one thinks of this, the more it seems to be true. So, I guess less preservatives and vitamins in food, and more of the four necessities of the New Aeon, mentioned above, including shrouding one's self in one's work and love.
It is early, and I have yet to commune with my plant allies, including corn and wheat, (I have not eaten.) Have a good morning, y'all.
And greetings to thee, oh Hawkheaded one.
I must admit though, in my mind, the idea of you pecking out the eyes of Jesus overshadows the idea of you defending old-aeon beliefs.Oh my god, Takamba. I feel I should throw you a "bravo" for your efforts in assisted masonry, but instead I am going to take a bong hit and send good vibes your way.
I am now in the mindset of the "meat eater" in Liber Jugorum. Maybe 75-80% of the month I am strictly vegan and include natural psychedelics in my meditations. However I just entered that time where I incorporate meat, eggs, and seafood into my diet and lower the psychedelic frequency. The grounding is amazing after such time so light-footed, kind of like finding a sturdy branch on a pine in a cascade of green donned by a mountain, eating plenty of fish and woodland critters, and any fruits and nuts I find, right before winging into the sacred night again.
I seriously recommend this approach for attaining a full view of one's self.
Some vegetarians say that people are angrier when they eat more meat. I find this to be a mis-statement, as in "humans shouldn't eat anything that sexually reproduces and pumps blood", instead of admitting there is addiction to meat and milk in our dna.
Meat I could give up fully one day. Milk, or a good breast to drink it from, well.. I suppose I shall never grow out of the infantile belief that "the universe was made for me to suck."
Well, it's my Introduction thread, so I declare it open discussion, as long as the conversation is beneficial. That way, I can keep in introducing myself and my crazy ideas.
Lol... Frank, you have 573 posts.
You ain't exactly "unknown."
But it's whatever. I just can't really figure out what's going on.
Well, sometimes when piloting a meat-sack that for some reason must have electronic interaction a few times a week, probably for family/friend communication and research, I find myself pressing the "active topics" link on this forum maybe once a week or so. If the list isn't comprised of only tarot meditations, there's usually introductions of new folks.
It occurred to me that I hadn't properly introduced myself in this particular forum, and that a quick posting of myself and my relation to Thelema might serve some purpose.
You know what's good? Nasal snuff. I stopped smoking years ago, (except for an occasional roll-up,) but taking fine tobacco by the nose is like drinking fine wine. And it only takes like a tiny pinch. An ounce could easily last one a few months.
TITLE: ”My Sword”
Takamba, Frank, and to whom else it may concern,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.
**CHAPTER I: ”The edge of sweetness” **
In my urge to come up with an reply, I got caught up in what came to be some work. Little did I know when joining this thread, that I would be obliged to partake in something like this. That, what you now have before you is less of an ordinary post, and more of an little essay, written pretty much as an personal reply to Mr. Takamba et al. The seriousness, the time and effort behind the work – while paying the greatest attention to Mr. Takambas words: ”I suggest you do all that you can to familiarize yourself with the proper manufacture, care and improvement of your sword.” – even had me giving it a most suitable name:
**My Sword**
I know we live in an era of stress & restlessness, where people like myself sometimes suffer from an attention-span not even to be talked about aloud in public. I therefore beg of the reader to be compassionate and thus to have some patience with little me – consoled by the fact – that really really did I put an effort into making something worthwhile reading:
"On the other hand, if your language skills are not much sharper than an eighth grader's (in the United States public school system), then your mind is equally dull. – Mr. Takamba"
Oops! Ehrm... There’s absolutely nothing to be seen here folks! ”How on earth is the reader going to pull himself through this essay, with this kind of violent critique in mind? Perhaps my error went by unnoticed – the readers mind ”hopefully” being equally dull as mine?]Anyways, let’s see what this eighth grader can do... I’d tell you, I have really had a great deal of fun writing this work, and if there’s to be any truth to that statement of Nuit’s: ”My joy is to see your joy.” Perhaps then my joy writing it shall also be your's reading it? If you’d ask me personally, I’d say the work is hilarious – and I have had my own mind enjoying itself by roaming through the text countless of times – but of course – it’s entertainment value is now for you the reader to decide. But pay attention! Let me sharpen the tone of my voice, and let it thus be known: The main purpose of this work is to, once and for all, set the record straight with Mr. Takamba:
" ”Nor shall they who cry aloud their folly that thou meanest nought avail” "
It’s now or never it’s to be decided if I am to ”availest” and thus to be declared ”the winner of the internet” [Takamba’s expression]. It’s now or never we are to see if this Sword of mine is as ”dull” as has been claimed by Mr. Takamba. And I’ll pray that he’ll now think otherwise – that he’ll come to forgive me for my ”sloth” – that Saul now will become Paul!Oh, dear reader, whom ever you are, will you too pray with me that it may be so?
I’d thought I’d tell you a secret: Mr. Takamba really knows how to make me ”laugh”. That he’s a real prick sometimes doesn’t matter, because that sarcasm of his truly has an hilarious edge to it – the ingredient? I don’t know, perhaps a really bad ”hangover”? But I do tell you: *I've laughed and I have laughed, * and perhaps if I show you some of that magic of his, the reader will laugh too? Anyways, and to put the words of Mr. Frank into good use: I am going to take a bong hit and send good vibes his way. Now listen up! Pay attention! Ladies and gentlemen! May I now present The very best of Takamba 2014 – together with an commentary – Please enjoy!:
1. ”shows a very obvious bad mental habit, not knowing what you are saying. I for one find it difficult to be persuaded by someone when they aren't honed mentally enough to hold a proper conversation.”
Anyone can see that I’m not ”honed mentally”. Hey, Mr. Takamba is trying to take credit for stating the obvious!2. ”I will gleefully carry out this unnecessary (and apparently ceaseless) debate with you (again) if you wish, but since it is so old and boring, I'm going to instead start attacking the instruments you use in your combats instead. I will drag down your soul to an awful torment and laugh at your inadequacy and spit upon it.”
I hope that this in no way means he wants to get dirty with me? I can’t see the point of going to bed with an castrate! I’ll never get that one ”up” for him, no matter how hard I’ll try.3. ”Seriously? You're using a computer, on the information super highway, and yet you still have spelling errors? And for you not to even suspect the incorrectness of your spelling where you can always Google
search the correct spelling, shows an even lazier approach to wielding one's sword.”
I think he’s asking too much from me. I thought ”Google” spells ”doodle”. How am I even to get there if I don’t know how to spell? Hey Mr. Takamba, I’m ”the winner of the internet”, since this statement is logically ”incorrect”.4. ”I cringe to think an unpolished mind like yours is attempting to convert people to your way of seeing things (which, for those who don't know, waivers frequently dependent upon mood or in an effort to ensnare someone new into a battle of words). I cringe that mental hygiene has taken second fiddle in an effort to be declared "the winner of the Internet."”
I can’t argue with this one, I do seem to suffer from an ”unpolished mind”. I therefore think of Mr. Tambaka as an very compassionate man, since even though he portray me as being quite dumb, he still gives me all this attention? He has certainly proved that ”seeing each-other” is much more important than being ”the winner of the internet”.5. ”On the other hand, if your language skills are not much sharper than an eighth grader's (in the United States public school system), then your mind is equally dull.”
This one again. I really love this one. I think he’s preaching ”elitism” through making a mockery out of all ”eighth grader’s”. But lo! What glory! There’s that compassionate heart of his again – being so kind – having me all warm and soft inside – since I was afraid he’d tell the truth in public, that my real level is that of an ”fifth grader”!I hope you enjoyed that one as much as I did...
For the record I would like to tell the reader that even due to all this massive critique of Mr. Takamba’s concerning my language skills, I’ve had people recommending me to become author, being all praise, whereof one of them put it like this:
"”I don’t know what to say. You write so beautifully. I couldn’t stop reading.” She also told me that the man she’s dating was obliged to wait for her to be over with it! "
One of these people even being a famous author of many books. But then there was this one time when she criticized one of my texts because of poor spelling (as Mr. Takamba did). She currently run a site (earlier called ”Save-Sweden”) where she writes about all that which is ”politically incorrect”, that which you and I am not supposed to talk about in public, and which she feel is destroying our country and the western- and the world, as a whole. She’s a woman, totally fearless and direct in her approach, not at all hesitant about telling you how things are, but I never felt she wanted to, as Mr. Takamba put it, ”destroy me utterly” for it.I love to write but I can’t see that I’ll become an author or write anything of importance, but I know I can do it if I put my mind to it, and if inspired to do so. ”Success is my proof”. On the other hand I might some day want to learn how to ”speak”, time will tell.
Actually, the more I think about it the happier I feel about Mr. Takamba actually taking the time to do that spelling & grammar check for me – thank you! My happiness goes *sixth ways; * let me summarize them into paragraphs (directly speaking to Mr. Takamba himself):
1.) Not only do I feel a lot more ”sharp” at the moment due to that violent critique of yours.
2.) But also did I recognize that most of the errors found by you, was something I could have found out all by myself, if I hadn’t been so lazy! You see, my greater fear was that my english was so bad, that you had a hard time understanding me at all. The irony is that, instead of feeling ”hurt & low” by your effort trying to humiliate me, I now feel more confident than ever about my language skills!
(Note. When I saw you highlighting all those spelling errors, I at first thought it would be ”red” all over, but boy did I feel good about myself when it wasn’t!)
Now I really know that you understand me perfectly well (if you hadn’t understood nor taken me seriously, you wouldn’t had bothered to even respond.) – and that this ranting of your’s in reality only had to do with you subconsciously projecting this ”image” of an ”enemy” upon me (I had the feeling that I reminded you of your old foe ”Los”, also, since you even mentioned us in the same sentence: ”Your interpretations of several things are (as we’ve discussed before and with Los) not the way I interpret them.”). Thus you’re basically fighting nothing but your own projections here.
3.) Your complaint pretty much only had to do with my ”spelling skills”. That’s certainly the best kind of praise a man ever can get – at the same time also giving credibility to whatever I’ll write from now on! You come here and put on this ”act of aggression”, behaving like you’re my enemy, when in reality you are pouring all of these blessings upon me!
4.) I haven’t written anything at all for years! And I do love to write. And since you were so passionately intimate (really applying ”force & fire” upon me) with me – you at the same time created this need within me to be intimate with you as well! Thus out of necessity, was I forced to spend countless of hours to come up with an reply worthy of the respect of my teacher. I’m really really making an effort here. I’m currently able to concentrate my mind in a way not experienced for years, having for so long experienced nothing but sloth! I’d almost call all of this a miracle and as profound as when stumbling upon those ”prayers of gratitude” last year – God bless you Mr. Takamba for paying attention to little me!
5.) You gave me a much deeper understanding of why one’s enemies in reality are our greatest teacher’s. Oh Mr. Takamba may you continue striking me ”hard & low!” – dispelling all that dullness clouding my sight!
6.) You also gave me the opportunity to show other visitors of these forums, the ”alchemical process” of turning whatever ”negativity” into pure gold like this. Hey Frank! Perhaps this is the true meaning of ”turn the other cheek”? Perhaps this is what’s meant with the ”forgiveness” of brothers ”up to seventy times seven”? Pretty awesome stuff huh?
Hurray Takamba! For these six blessings of yours!
I do hope you’ll appreciate the rest of this reply of mine... Because now I’m going to turn from this ”sweet” edge of my sword to the ”bitter” part of it – since truth has been said to be a ”two edged sword”. Thus going from all this ”softness” and ”care bear-mentality” to being a bit more harsh with you Takamba – pay attention! Stay alert! All of this sweetness of mine probably gives you nausea anyways. Therefore I’ll now try to speak with you in your own kind of language, of course wanting nothing else, but to please my newly found teacher...
"Now this mystery of the letters is done, and I want to go on to the holier place." Take a break if you will before coming with me.
*CHAPTER II: ”The edge of bitterness”
And as laughter died...* A great darkness fell upon the world. I could then hear a voice saying:
”Thou hast entered the night; dost thou yet lust for day? Sorrow is my name, and affliction. I am girt about with tribulation. Here still hangs the Crucified One, and here the Mother weeps over the children that she hath not borne. Sterility is my name, and desolation. Intolerable is thine ache, and incurable thy wound.”
@Takamba said
"I will gleefully carry out this unnecessary (and apparently ceaseless) debate with you (again) if you wish, but since it is so old and boring, I'm going to instead start attacking the instruments you use in your combats instead. I will drag down your soul to an awful torment and laugh at your inadequacy and spit upon it. "
Yeah, you do seem to ”project” alot, like there is this ”great battle” going on here. I don’t see any ”combat” around here and I’m not sure I would like to be in one either (It’s like you’re fighting ”windmills” believing them to be ”giants”.). But then I know I really shouldn’t joke, use irony, nor tease, nor say anything about your ”Don quijote-projections” because I know you can’t handle it (you can’t pull a prank on a ”fanatic”, he’s got nothing but anger inside of him.). To talk to you like this is like signing my own death sentence – this kind of criticism in your head is an declaration of war. Now it’s truly ”open war” in your world of Geburah. Perhaps when you’re done with me you’ll later want to cut the throat of them disbelievers too?! But then I won’t cower nor walk around on my toes just to please you – if you come forth here as lost in your own imagination it’s your own fault.
You started it, so deal with it. As a matter of fact the quote you pulled out of the holy book to justify your own anger & projections is actually about yourself! It’s you who seek to ”entrap and overthrow” me (like you did with Los) – through your effort to humiliate me (Is your so called sword ”sharp” enough to see this? Or is it as ”dull” as I think it is, only fit for correcting spelling errors?). It’s like you’re now ”re-living” the past once again:
@Takamba said"I will gleefully carry out this unnecessary (and apparently ceaseless) debate with you (again) if you wish, but since it is so old and boring...[]"
See? I can’t remember ever speaking to you but very briefly perhaps once, but still you make it sound like this has been some ”ongoing” battle between us since the ”beginning of time”. I don’t even know you for god’s sake! I’d tell you: *You certainly do project a lot... * It seems like I have triggered something within your subconscious mind, fitting the characteristics of an”enemy”. The enemy you need to have in your life to feel ”safe” (It’s just my guess, that it has something to do with ”security”. Perhaps in your daily life, you might even be quite obsessive about questions of security in diffrent forms?).You had no buisness interfering in this discussion like you did. The OP seem to have managed quite fine (like a true gentleman) without your eagerness to ”live and die by the sword”. This folly of yours instead had you acting in a most dishonorable kind of way since you proved yourself to have no faith – at all – in another brothers ability to take care of himself! Is it that you pretend to be this ”knight of honor” out to protect the ”weak” or something? – and still you reacted like this small child, not even knowing how to differ between poor manners & proper conduct (failure of discrimination).
You’re probably very upset by now... That’s how predictable you are due to that ”reactive mind” of yours. To me a ”sharp” sword would mostly be about the ”control” over one’s own reactions (or rather, to see the end of them). But you on the other hand, have certainly succeeded in reducing this beautiful spiritual metaphor to be about pure rubbish. Is your way of expressing yourself so poor that you can’t help yourself from defiling beauty by fighting pure trivia [spelling errors]?
You don’t deserve to carry a Sword if you don’t master the art of discrimination. This is what really brings ”sharpness” to one’s Sword; having the wisdom to ”chose ye well”: one simply doesn’t put on an expensive suit before cleaning a dirty toilet – thinking it fit for the occasion (As of your case, a knife or a dagger would have been the more suitable object for this kind of situation of correcting me.).
But then as I’ve said before: your behavior had nothing to do with the corrections of spelling errors, using a dagger. No, you were completely ”thrown out of balance” even pulling a sword in an attempt on my life! Man, I’d tell you, that conduct of yours was not in confirmity with: ”58. But the keen and the proud, the royal and the lofty; ye are brothers! 59. ”as brothers fight ye!”. Oh no, that’s called ”getting totally out of line”. It’s funny you also show this kind of aggression since I wasn’t even talking to you! See, that failure of ”discrimination”, again? Do you now think you know where I’m getting at? Good! Therefore, hear me when I say this:
Don’t you dare come talking about ”the Sword” with an capital ”S”, and mere ”spell checking” in the same context – ever again!
How do you like my sword now? I’d really hate to use it, at the risk of stirring up negativity. But you gave me no choice since your mind seem to be ”projecting” the characteristics of ”Los” unto me. To tell you the truth about that drama you had yourself with him: In the beginning I kind of respected you (having felt Los myself) but after a while I came to see how personal it all was for you. How you were no better yourself, acting like this viscious ”bully”, carrying resentment from the past, not caring at all what the man had to say (sometimes even Los had a good point or two), one time saying:
"*”Looks around to see if Los is coming” *"
Now Mr. Takamba, you even had your mind set on him in ”hostility” before he even got there!; wanting to pick a fight, carrying resentment & vengence from the past in your heart – thus having yourself come forth as nothing but a simple ”bully”.*And now your projective mind wants to give me the same treatment. Now you want me to be your new ”crusade”. * No Mr. Don quijote, I’ll not play his role for you thank you... But I do understand that you miss your eternal foe, since our enemies are indeed our greatest friends and teachers (Remember my praise of you from earlier on?).
Now, you go and take a deep breath before – you saddle that ”donkey” of yours – throwing yourself into another tantrum in an attempt to fight another ”windmill”. I’m sure you’re not all ”sin”. I have appriciated your posts; your proficency; all those references pointing towards your own experience etc. I have also been thinking about you in a most positive manner (still am, actually considering you to be my reverend teacher!). But at this very moment I cannot care for all of that since it’s quite obvious that you’re now out to ”overthrow me” – thinking me to be ”Los”.
But then... I don’t even have to bother about retaliation and the seeking of your own ”destruction”. Because, without the qualities of mercy & forgivness in your nature – you’ll eventually ”self-destruct” just fine by yourself. I can therefore do nothing else but recommending you to study that positive example earlier set by Frank, perhaps you might learn something (I know I did).
Love is the law, love under will.
I earlier mentioned ”six” paragraphs, but later this seventh and most mystical blessing dawned upon me. When I also came to understand how these ”vices [of mine] are my service”. I then somewhat more understood my status as a beggar, My silly looks, my ”fooling around”, my spelling issues, my smoking habits, my shyness, my meekness etc. and all of those other things having little me coming forth as ”weak” in the eyes of the world.
Some of these ”vices” of mine are indeed also my greatest ”weaknessess” but in reality they’ll serve me as my greatest ”assets” (See that ”alchemical process” again, on how to turn things around to your own advantage? I’d tell you, it’s as easy as the flipping of a coin!*****). They’ll prepare the way for me through lowering the defence’s of men (their expectations). They’ll function as ”baits” and they will have the ignorant lured out of his dark hiding place – exposing himself in broad daylight thinking of himself as ”safe”. Then just to have me throwing of my ”garment of weakness” – destroying him utterly (his delusions) by that enternal sunlight coming from within!. Takamba, please tell me I’m speaking your kind of language here?
*****Why pay too much attention to one’s ”weaknessess”, trying to improve them when a man if wise, instead can have them serving him as his greatest ”assets” – in an instant! – simply by turning things around to his own advantage? I therefore believe one has to be very careful & sensitive, thus not being too ”obsessive” about one’s ”complexes” (or rather, accepting them through the embracement of them.) understandning one’s limits, and most definitely not to try hiding one’s weaknessess (vices) behind ”virtuous words” etc.). Instead one should put the most of one’s energy upon that which is allready strong – keeping on polishing it – giving it a finishing touch – aiming for the stars – becoming divine.
I tell you the truth... I was all for jumping Frank like a starving wolf, ”pretending” to be his antagonist. Using foul language, cursing and making a mockery out of his beliefs, really putting on this act of myself as a raving Black Brother, in an attempt to provoke him out of balance (I had never done anything like it in my life! And even my own mind seemed appalled of my wrongdoings, at one time even thinking: ”am I turning into a black brother here?”)
But he passed this test of God (we both did!) since there was nothing to be jumped upon. His heart; luminous and pure! And I experience ”chills” running all over my body thinking of how he almost unaffected ”turned me the other cheek”, firmly stood his ground, simply ignoring my attempts to pick a fight – while at the same time having his nature telling me:
"”Hey look! You’re trying to fight a windmill believing it to be a giant.”"
Like this bloodthirsty creature I roamed through his replies – searching – expecting to find him to be at least a little annoyed, but there was not even a grain of sand of annoyance to be found therein! Now listen to this: his next action even more unbelievable. Now, I truly found myself suffering total defeat, when I later noticed that this man even came to the rescue of his supposed enemy!!!
@ThelemicMage said
"Oh my god, Takamba. I feel I should throw you a "bravo" for your efforts in assisted masonry, but instead I am going to take a bong hit and send good vibes your way."
I had done everything in my power to have him thrown out of balance, being nothing but disrespectful – and even so – he put’s up an act like that!? What kind of man is this!? What does all of this tell us about this man called Frank? I’d tell you: If I had any preconcived ideas, any resentment, any ill feelings known or unknown to me, whatsoever, towards him – I’m now left with nothing but this tremendous respect for the man (even though he seem full of crazy ideas!).He will from this day onwards, now be known among his fellow brethren as ”Frank the Just”, a true servant of the ”Star & the Snake.”
But wait! There is more! We can’t have this little essay ending like this. There was something else happening before this last mentioned act of Frank’s. Something not so pure, lurking in the shadows... Please bear with me a little longer – don’t fall asleep – keep those eyelids open!
I don’t know if I were awake or a sleep, but with this whole incident still fresh in my memory, I must say that it all seemed too ridiculous to be true. But here I am, standing in the middle of this flowery-field; ahh, such colors! Those birds singing. Nothing but a few clouds on that heavenly-blue sky; giving no particulary protection from a burning sun. I notice there’s also no wind at all, not even the slightest breeze, making this day to be ecspecially hot – and if I were to be a ”windmill” I would probably had been very relaxed by now. Then as I’m standing there quietly aware, just watching: Suddenly, ”from no expected house”, out from this hiding place in the bushes, comes this figure ”charging” with it’s target locked on me, at the same time roaring feverishly:
”I’ll cut your throat Los! By the dullness of my sword I’ll cut your throat!”
Oh, how proud he looks riding upon that ”donkey” of his! Oh, how confident he seem of himself waving that ”wooden-stick” [sword] in the air, to the point of mere exhaustion! Oh how safe he seem... But just wait a minute... what’s that thing on his head? Is that a ”bucket” he’s using as a helmet!?
The vision now slowly fading away... and while on my return to ordinary consciousness, the last thing seen by mine eyes, is this ”crusader” losing balance, falling of his mule. And I remember thinking to myself: ”Oh, what folly!”
In the end, I’m reminded of those spelling errors of mine, one in particular: ”maskerading”. I was aware even while constructing the word itself – that it just wasn’t right. I didn’t care and just left it as it was. As it now turns out, it seem to have been done in confirmity with the will of our Lord, a service of him, functioning as one of those ”baits” left there for the ignorant to chew upon. No, I’d guess we can now finally round off, and to put an end to all of this by saying to this ”knight of Geburah” calling himself Takamba:
You exposed yourself in broad daylight thinking yourself as safe.
Mr. Frank,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.
@ThelemicMage said
"I know it's early, and I've been charting astrological houses all night amidst coking, drinking, and wading with the dragon"
It comes as no surprise to hear that you have been up to some of that usual foolishness of yours.
But please remember this: I didn’t give you the name ”Frank the Just”, all for nothing... By doing so I called for an end of boyhood. I called for an end to that fantasy of being taken care of by a woman (first you learn to take care of yourself). No more of this ”clinging” infant crap:
@ThelemicMage said"I suppose I shall never grow out of the infantile belief that "the universe was made for me to suck." "
You may be a fool, but don’t fancy yourself thinking you are one. Be innocent. Don’t put on an act. Don’t take pride over that ”self-image” of yours. Drop it! You’re a man now, a true Knight and I hold you to it’s oath.Be responsible...
Otherwise, and to have you straighten up. I’ll have to call upon the aid of Mr. Takamba. And I do tell you: he will deal more hardly with you than I ever will. He’ll have you do twenty push ups over a mere ”spelling error”!
God’s speed my friend, and may thy Sword be sharp!
Love is the law, love under will.
93 93/93 good Frater. I do hope you'll excuse my tone in the following post, as it may be perceived as "harsh", instead of my intended meaning of "importance."
Actually, "sucking", despite the ill-perceived notion of being infantile, is Crowley's expression of refined imbibement of the Universe. Not chewing, ƒucking, drinking, or even straight-up swallowing. It is what our Angels do to us after we've learned to stop the aforementioned ideas unto them, and actually become them.
And as to your rather infantile beliefs on the sacraments of Nuit: Grow a pair of balls. No one wants to hear how you love Jesus and want to spread is cancerous, mis-interpreted teachings unto the world, when you've never experienced ultimate suffering or ultimate bliss. Far, far from having "pride" in my "self-image", a man who takes a thousand micrograms of Lucy or half an ounce of the sacred children, (or "little ones who spring forth",) doesn't really come back having pride in their self-image. Pretty much for years or the rest of their life. More like you experience the Clear Light of the Tibetan book of the Dead and come back enlightened with working knowledge of refracting that Light, or lose your shit completely and never be right without spiritual and psychedelic re-visits into what twisted you.
Since I function properly socio-sexually, I can't say I'm in the second category. No one who truly communicates with spirits tells anyone about it unless they find a kindred soul who communicates with similar spirits. Worshiping imaginary friends of the dying-god kind is also taboo.
If you wish to truly know the folly of your words, a ways away from mere spelling and grammatical errors, a quick word: (Referenced from Liber 418, the Vision and the Voice. If you're the type of Christian to believe in Angelic communication and vision.)
This "Jesus" character is nothing more than a reincarnation of the symbolical "he who formulated his father and made fertile is mother." Starting out at the beginning of our current Universal tangent as "Atum", then "Ra" condensing, (I don't wish to say dissolving and coagulating,) himself into further forms, "incarnations", that seem to manifest more energy with each successive incarnation. Osiris, or "Jesus" is the next form of this male diety, dying and living under the Earth as a bull, (saying a lot about his future mother-wife, Hathor.) I guess you could say he went to hell, started to be purified, then the stress got to him and he grew horns.
"Relax and float downstream." -TBoftheDeadAt some point he is completely destroyed by his next incarnation, Horus. But I would more likely guess Hathor, being another bovine and much more powerful than him.
This religious stuff doesn't just melt down to "God, my pa-pa, the Father, and his Son are one. Center of the Universe. Women come second. No Goddess, just pa-pa."
I am experiencing symptoms, and this kind of talk shall make me vomit if I don't suck a little bit. Excuse me, Fraters and Sorors.
Sir Frank,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.
@ThelemicMage said
"I do hope you'll excuse my tone in the following post, as it may be perceived as "harsh", instead of my intended meaning of "importance." And as to your rather infantile beliefs on the sacraments of Nuit: Grow a pair of balls. No one wants to hear how you love Jesus and want to spread is cancerous, mis-interpreted teachings unto the world"
So you had a ”sore spot” (vice) after all? I just knew I would find it eventually! To put the words of Mr. Takamba to good use: ”Sharpen thy sword before you risk life and limb to display it!” I’d tell you man: You should never had shown it to me:”Get out of boyhood and grow up will you? Stop that ”clinging” infant crap!
@ThelemicMage said
"I would rather have a dominant female diety "take care" of me, for Christ's sakes, (pardon the pun."
Oh, you’re such a big cry-baby! Do you want mama to take care of you and to change your diapers too? Do you need to poo or pee perhaps? What fool you are ”pretending” to be an infant sucking on his mothers breast! You're a grown man, how about stop ”sucking” on your own thumb:
@ThelemicMage said
"I suppose I shall never grow out of the infantile belief that "the universe was made for me to suck." "@ThelemicMage said
"I am experiencing symptoms, and this kind of talk shall make me vomit if I don't suck a little bit"
You sure do like to suck don’t you? Will someone who has yet to go insane, please help me pull that nipple out from Frank’s mouth? Hey here’s Frank, a full grown man acting and dressing like this gigantic Baby – where’s the innocence to that? I’m sorry but you don’t look innocent at all – you look ridiculous for god’s sake! What kind of ”self-image” is that you ”cling” to? You sure did loose your mind chasing Lucy in the Sky, I’d tell you. But you didn’t lose your Pride! Oh, Lord what folly! Taking pride in being the fool! Sir Frank: Get off that donkey of yours before I change my mind about you being a Knight and all!”I can’t tell you how good that felt... Hitting you ”hard & low” like that. But... what’s up with this outrageous ”aggression” Frank? Ahhh... Are you really exercising your manhood here; telling me to ”Grow a pair of balls”! I’d never thought I hear something like that from you. You have some nerve don’t you!? ”as brothers fight ye!”, huh? No, no need to excuse yourself Frank. I’d tell you how it is: This House of God certainly isn’t large enough for the both of us anymore. I’d better get the hell out of here before you get to read the above!
This is also why I need to have Takamba keeping an eye on you, after I’m gone. You might acctually hurt someone carelessly waving a Sword like that – do you even know what you are doing?
Your move Frank! Give it to me you cry-baby!
Love is the law, love under will.
What a load of double-binding bullshit.
First, you attack him viciously and absurdly, then you effuse with praise for his self-control in the face of your own self-shocking behavior, then you continue to badger him into an aggressive response, and then mock him when he gives you exactly that.
Calling "foul" on that. I hate foul.
Now cut the shit.
And now you all know why I do not advocate the esoterics for those on psychiatric medication.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.
Where is your sense of humor? Oh children under the Stars!
*Laughter would dispel all that darkness you people are clinging too...*If you put the quotes together, if you studied the text, you might actually laugh about it - how ridiculous it is.
Instead of acting like robots, "reacting" out of the "old".
You're not supposed to defend and become all aggressive about folly - you're supposed to laugh about it! Or does you Aion like to suck too? Is that what you say? Instead of throwing yourself into a tantrum of the old. Please, take a deep breath and use your intelligence and put up a defense for Sir Frank's behavior. It would be hilarious to read a real defense of folly; why you Aion consider it as proper conduct for a noble to long for "diapers" and "sucking" on a mothers breast?
Make me laugh!
Love is the law, love under will.
"A King may choose his garment as he will: there is no certain test: but a beggar cannot hide his poverty."
In defense of Frank.
@Takamba said
""A King may choose his garment as he will: there is no certain test: but a beggar cannot hide his poverty."
In defense of Frank."
Some defense you got there Einstein, as if I were attacking anything else but that self-image (garment) you people are clinging too.
Hey, weren't you the guy riding on that donkey in the following Story?
I don’t know if I were awake or a sleep, but with this whole incident still fresh in my memory, I must say that it all seemed too ridiculous to be true. But here I am, standing in the middle of this flowery-field; ahh, such colors! Those birds singing. Nothing but a few clouds on that heavenly-blue sky; giving no particulary protection from a burning sun. I notice there’s also no wind at all, not even the slightest breeze, making this day to be ecspecially hot – and if I were to be a ”windmill” I would probably had been very relaxed by now. Then as I’m standing there quietly aware, just watching: Suddenly, ”from no expected house”, out from this hiding place in the bushes, comes this figure ”charging” with it’s target locked on me, at the same time roaring feverishly:
”I’ll cut your throat Los! By the dullness of my sword I’ll cut your throat!”
Oh, how proud he looks riding upon that ”donkey” of his! Oh, how confident he seem of himself waving that ”wooden-stick” [sword] in the air, to the point of mere exhaustion! Oh how safe he seem... But just wait a minute... what’s that thing on his head? Is that a ”bucket” he’s using as a helmet!?
The vision now slowly fading away... and while on my return to ordinary consciousness, the last thing seen by mine eyes, is this ”crusader” losing balance, falling of his mule. And I remember thinking to myself: ”Oh, what folly!”