Sir Frank,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.
@ThelemicMage said
"I do hope you'll excuse my tone in the following post, as it may be perceived as "harsh", instead of my intended meaning of "importance." And as to your rather infantile beliefs on the sacraments of Nuit: Grow a pair of balls. No one wants to hear how you love Jesus and want to spread is cancerous, mis-interpreted teachings unto the world"
So you had a ”sore spot” (vice) after all? I just knew I would find it eventually! To put the words of Mr. Takamba to good use: ”Sharpen thy sword before you risk life and limb to display it!” I’d tell you man: You should never had shown it to me:”Get out of boyhood and grow up will you? Stop that ”clinging” infant crap!
@ThelemicMage said
"I would rather have a dominant female diety "take care" of me, for Christ's sakes, (pardon the pun."
Oh, you’re such a big cry-baby! Do you want mama to take care of you and to change your diapers too? Do you need to poo or pee perhaps? What fool you are ”pretending” to be an infant sucking on his mothers breast! You're a grown man, how about stop ”sucking” on your own thumb:
@ThelemicMage said
"I suppose I shall never grow out of the infantile belief that "the universe was made for me to suck." "@ThelemicMage said
"I am experiencing symptoms, and this kind of talk shall make me vomit if I don't suck a little bit"
You sure do like to suck don’t you? Will someone who has yet to go insane, please help me pull that nipple out from Frank’s mouth? Hey here’s Frank, a full grown man acting and dressing like this gigantic Baby – where’s the innocence to that? I’m sorry but you don’t look innocent at all – you look ridiculous for god’s sake! What kind of ”self-image” is that you ”cling” to? You sure did loose your mind chasing Lucy in the Sky, I’d tell you. But you didn’t lose your Pride! Oh, Lord what folly! Taking pride in being the fool! Sir Frank: Get off that donkey of yours before I change my mind about you being a Knight and all!”I can’t tell you how good that felt... Hitting you ”hard & low” like that. But... what’s up with this outrageous ”aggression” Frank? Ahhh... Are you really exercising your manhood here; telling me to ”Grow a pair of balls”! I’d never thought I hear something like that from you. You have some nerve don’t you!? ”as brothers fight ye!”, huh? No, no need to excuse yourself Frank. I’d tell you how it is: This House of God certainly isn’t large enough for the both of us anymore. I’d better get the hell out of here before you get to read the above!
This is also why I need to have Takamba keeping an eye on you, after I’m gone. You might acctually hurt someone carelessly waving a Sword like that – do you even know what you are doing?
Your move Frank! Give it to me you cry-baby!
Love is the law, love under will.
What a load of double-binding bullshit.
First, you attack him viciously and absurdly, then you effuse with praise for his self-control in the face of your own self-shocking behavior, then you continue to badger him into an aggressive response, and then mock him when he gives you exactly that.
Calling "foul" on that. I hate foul.
Now cut the shit.
And now you all know why I do not advocate the esoterics for those on psychiatric medication.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.
Where is your sense of humor? Oh children under the Stars!
*Laughter would dispel all that darkness you people are clinging too...*If you put the quotes together, if you studied the text, you might actually laugh about it - how ridiculous it is.
Instead of acting like robots, "reacting" out of the "old".
You're not supposed to defend and become all aggressive about folly - you're supposed to laugh about it! Or does you Aion like to suck too? Is that what you say? Instead of throwing yourself into a tantrum of the old. Please, take a deep breath and use your intelligence and put up a defense for Sir Frank's behavior. It would be hilarious to read a real defense of folly; why you Aion consider it as proper conduct for a noble to long for "diapers" and "sucking" on a mothers breast?
Make me laugh!
Love is the law, love under will.
"A King may choose his garment as he will: there is no certain test: but a beggar cannot hide his poverty."
In defense of Frank.
@Takamba said
""A King may choose his garment as he will: there is no certain test: but a beggar cannot hide his poverty."
In defense of Frank."
Some defense you got there Einstein, as if I were attacking anything else but that self-image (garment) you people are clinging too.
Hey, weren't you the guy riding on that donkey in the following Story?
I don’t know if I were awake or a sleep, but with this whole incident still fresh in my memory, I must say that it all seemed too ridiculous to be true. But here I am, standing in the middle of this flowery-field; ahh, such colors! Those birds singing. Nothing but a few clouds on that heavenly-blue sky; giving no particulary protection from a burning sun. I notice there’s also no wind at all, not even the slightest breeze, making this day to be ecspecially hot – and if I were to be a ”windmill” I would probably had been very relaxed by now. Then as I’m standing there quietly aware, just watching: Suddenly, ”from no expected house”, out from this hiding place in the bushes, comes this figure ”charging” with it’s target locked on me, at the same time roaring feverishly:
”I’ll cut your throat Los! By the dullness of my sword I’ll cut your throat!”
Oh, how proud he looks riding upon that ”donkey” of his! Oh, how confident he seem of himself waving that ”wooden-stick” [sword] in the air, to the point of mere exhaustion! Oh how safe he seem... But just wait a minute... what’s that thing on his head? Is that a ”bucket” he’s using as a helmet!?
The vision now slowly fading away... and while on my return to ordinary consciousness, the last thing seen by mine eyes, is this ”crusader” losing balance, falling of his mule. And I remember thinking to myself: ”Oh, what folly!”
My advice to the Hawkheaded one would be to take all that visionary ability, and practice upright and inverted pentagram rituals in the astral realm of your choosing. Wheather in physical or astral form, a deep dark wood is ideal, (in my opinion anyways,) for such practices. It is highly probable that if you study and practice manifesting universal language in these states, you might pick up on literary and communicative lucidness and become a versed and polished writer.
The only thing I'm really concerned with is your tendency of homosexual humor. Let's be honest, we're Thelemites. It's good when one is experiencing some sort of sensual obstruction to just experiment and "get it over with", so to speak. There's no shame in seeking out another trustable, curious, open minded traveller to test the water with to see if you want to swim or just break out your pole and fish in knee-deep water.
The only alternative is go all Leo on him and get the king some new Emperor's clothes. A camel could fit through the golden-needle's eye.
Locked it. Came back and did some clean up. Unlocked it.
I'm seriously thinking of giving myself a 1st Warning for allowing this kind of shit to go on.
@Jim Eshelman said
"Locked it. Came back and did some clean up. Unlocked it.
I'm seriously thinking of giving myself a 1st Warning for allowing this kind of (****) to go on."
This is the most sensible post on this entire thread.
Says the man with eels in his hovercraft.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.
@Archaeus said
@Jim Eshelman said
"Locked it. Came back and did some clean up. Unlocked it.I'm seriously thinking of giving myself a 1st Warning for allowing this kind of (****) to go on."
This is the most sensible post on this entire thread."
I thought it very compassionate of the Master to have some of my impurities (sins) removed. He even put the blame on himself for my wrongdoings! I do my best to be a good little boy, but apparently there’s no end to my wickedness...
[...I pray that I now have made sure to take off my shoes before entering the Mosque...]
But you on the other hand have been hiding in the shadows until now, and the first thing you do is to make a mock of thy brothers and the joy of our Hearts. Do you love us that little? Perhaps it’s you who then should convert to Christianity?
Love is the law, love under will.
PS. I’ll pray for you.
"[...I pray that I now have made sure to take off my shoes before entering the Mosque...]"
This is why I truly abhor and despise most Christians. Why the ƒuck would you "pray" that you have made sure to take off your shoes before entering a holy area?
This goes beyond "Papa, please help me to live, love, and grow." to "Papa, I can not even think enough for myself to take the five to ten seconds it takes to remove my own shoes."
Please, Sorors and Fraters, (or Frater), do not get me wrong. In meditation and in magic I sometimes incorporate energies from this "Jesus" character. Man, I can't say "Jesus" and magic in the same sentence. Osiris and Yeheshuah. $hit, I even incorporate Tum and Ra in my energies. Why not the dying God?
The one thing Christians do not understand is that the Bible was taken apart, many things re-written, and most important things completely thrown out, (see Apocrypha.) This happened for centuries, but mostly during the 1300s to 1500s, when the church was trimming itself and making sure it had simple lessons tailored to meet the needs of training the minds and thought-patterns of church-going simpletons.
Christianity has the highest incidence of raping, murder, child rape/murder/exploitation, misguided views, and internal/external government corruption in not only all religions, but all peoples, societies, and their institutions. Children are read fairy-tales at bed time and they are deeply impression-ed by them to the point where it influences what they do for a living later on. Do the same thing with children and people looking for proof of a higher power and someone to take care of them, and you have the biggest mess since the primordial cataclysm that caused the second push, (or "wind",) after the big bang, eventually culminating in a disaster that caused the formation of Neptune, in our star system, of course.
The point of being a Thelemite is to use everything that is helpful, and discard all damaging dogma, stigma, and even karma. Instant karma's gonna get you. I quazi-quote the Metaclysmia Discordia, (not specifically Thelemic, but most discordians are Thelemites that have learned to bend world cabalas to their will by instituting their own cabalas,):
:His worrying and meditation were disturbed when, as if in a test of his faith,
ordure fell from the second floor onto him. At that time two people walked
into the room. The first asked the second who the man sitting there was. The
second replied “Some say he is a holy man. Others say he is a $hithead." Hearing
this, the man was enlightened.:So, lowering myself already, I ask thee, Christian, are you a $hithead or a Holy Man?" Think well upon your answer. Others have been very kind in their keeping you in line as a teacher does a child. But I cannot sit back and watch someone try to recruit Thelemites of the New Aeon of "Jesus' or Yeheshuah or Osiris' next incarnation into Horus", to Christianity, the scourge and cancer of Anno Domini.
Not being mean or anything, child of the stooping starlight, just putting things in a way to activate your pineal and pituitary glands without instituting straight Operation Mindƒuck upon thee.
Mine angel has stopped me here.
Frank, that's the thing. He's not recruiting. He's just fucking with you 'cause you hate it so much.
It's the part of Horus that pecks at the eyes versus the part of Nuit that sees no difference.
"I'm Horus! I peck at the eyes. You don't peck at the eyes. You don't get it!"
"I'm Nuit. Let there be no difference. . . thereby cometh hurt. You make a difference. You hurt. You don't get it!"
And further... "Hurt? Damn them! They feel not!"
A full circle of opinions resolved only by one thing: right [action] but to do thy will.
Anyway, that's what I think I see.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.
If you’re to ”teach” remember only to teach from your own experience & understanding. Only use ”speculation” as a ”tool”.
But I think you might be on to something here... The problem as I see it: is not paying enough attention to that which has been handed to you in the past. Personally, I always pay the greatest attention to the words of Mr. Takamba whenever I’m to write something: ”I suggest you do all that you can to familiarize yourself with the proper manufacture, care and improvement of your sword.”
Oh, those precious words!
It’s like I’m able to ”mine” the Spirit of Mr. Takamba endlessly for ”gems”. He keep’s pouring his blessings over me whenever I have him mind. For instance, I have always had this ”belief” (sin) that the internet makes one lazy and sluggish. That’s simply not true... If one stays alert. It’s only a matter of paying attention! Thanks to Mr. Geburah’s harsh treatment of me that day: Every step I now take in these forums is as if it were to be a matter of ”life and death”.
Now... Pay attention! Stay alert! The reader is advised to move on with extreme caution and to listen carefully, I would hate to ”throw pearls to swine” – keep those eyelids open! – here goes again:
@Jim Eshelman said
"Second, as a general rule of communication, you have to talk to people in their own terms and in language and concepts they're willing to hear. That means that you might say the same thing 12 different ways to 12 different people. That's not deception - it's effective communication. [The authors note: The advice wasn’t even given to me and even so I remember the blessing poured over thee (Aren’t you ashamed of yourself?).]"
Aion, I have read, re-read, and re-read – and I couldn’t make any sense out of what you were trying to say. One trick I use myself, (It’s not a trick really more a matter of perception.). But I have this feeling that I’m speaking to children pretending to be ”grown ups”.But then, perhaps I’m just stupid? I don’t know.
Love is the law, love under will.
Here’s a song you might like. If you haven’t seen the movie, do it. It's beautiful.
And yes:
There’s really no point in Sir Frank pretending to be a grown up. I would simply never believe him! What a fool ”reacting” on Christianity like that. It’s like Frank expected the breast of a black woman and when I was all white he reacted with anger! What an ungrateful little brat! Hey Frank! Didn’t you like the color of my skin you big cry-baby? Perhaps you’re not so innocent after all? But worry not. I want you to know that you’re loved. I’ll pray for you my friend.
On some level.. Looking for martyrdom...
I fold.
Thank you, Archaeus, I'm kind of aware of his being an active troll.
It's just that some people questioning their ways of thinking visit sites like this and read people's opinions and experiences, and letting a troll like this get any un-attacked ideas passed is like walking past a line of cancer patients whilst toting a fifty gallon drum of cannabis oil.
Isn't it strange that most Christians run down people and then say "I'll pray for you"? Kind of like putting a golden finger cot on right before giving you the finger?
I already stated I was raised Christian and still incorporate his actual, unabridged teachings in my meditations and ritual? What else could a nasty little troll want?
Hey, at least he didn't try to kiss me like he did everyone else.
And.. I fold.
Do What Thou Wilt shall be the Whole of the Law
Well I must say I apologize for not forseeing the possibility of you and others not taking a slightly humorous slant to everything I post, especially about Christians.
All I can say is that it appears as though you come back at people with something harsher than what is due, but I suppose that is me not seeing your humorous slant as well. (Or maybe I did, and responded accordingly...)
I ate eggs and spinach and have terrible gas.
Hail Eris!
Thread permanently locked. It has gone far off-track of ThelemicMage introducing himself and people interacting with his introduction. Entirely OT, and degenerating into spits and spats despite my giving one warning shot across the bow.
A augur locked this topic on Apr 2, 2024, 7:02 PM